Nokia sijoituskohteena (Osa 2)

Nokian asiakkaiden strategisissa tavoitteissa on huomattava paino energian säästössä ja osallistumisessa painokkaasti ilmaston tilan parantamiseen.

Myös edistynyt tekniikka ja kokemuksien tuottaminen on keskeisiä tulevien vuosien teemoja ———>
experience-obsessed tech player”

Slaidit tilanteesta 1) nyt ja 2) tavoitetila.

DT’s CAPITAL MARKETS DAY 2021 (May 20/21, 2021) - USA:sta T-Mobile kuuluu ryhmään ja Saksasta odotetaan myös tilauksia.

Käsittääkseni Nokialla on hyvä käsitys asiakkaiden näkemyksistä ja kyky täyttää ja jopa ylittää vaativien asiakkaiden odotukset. Nordean tuoreessa analyysissä on myös arvioitu myönteisesti Nokian strategian toteutumista ja ennustettu osinkojen maksun alkavan ensi vuonna - ainakin tuloksen antavan siihen mahdollisuuden.

9 tykkäystä

Näkyy tässä arviossa Huawein 1Q2021 lasku tarttuneen nousuksi lähinnä Ericsson / Cisco / Samsung

According to an assessment by Dell’Oro, the market – which groups together broadband access, microwave and optical transport, mobile core and radio access network (RAN), service provider router and switch – started 2021 on a high note, rising 15% year-on-year in the first quarter (Q1).

now expects the total telecoms equipment market to expand by 5% to 10% in 2021, up from the previous forecast of 3% to 5%.

Among some of his observations, Pongratz said the shift from 4G to 5G has continued to accelerate "at a torrid pace, impacting not just RAN investments but is also spurring operators to upgrade their core and transport networks.

14 tykkäystä

Nokian hanke etenee, siis käyttää meille jakamatta jääneitä osinkoja viisaan oloisesti. Hesari kertoo Kalevan kertovan, että heille on kerrottu (tai Sankari kertoo, Sankari on myös Nokian mobiiliverkkojen globaaleista toimitusketjuista vastaava johtaja):

Investoinnit | Kaleva: Nokia suunnittelee satojen miljoonien eurojen uutta toimipaikkaa Ouluun

MATKAPUHELINVERKKOJA kehittävä ja valmistava Nokia aikoo investoida satoja miljoonia euroja uusiin toimitiloihinsa Ouluun, Kaleva-lehti kertoi lauantaina.

Nokialla on Oulussa noin 2 500 työntekijää. Tähän asti Oulun Ruskossa toiminut Nokia kaavailee uusia toimitiloja Linnanmaalta.

NOKIAN Oulun-yksikön johtaja Erja Sankari kertoi Kalevalle, että Nokian investoinnin suuruus on joka tapauksessa satoja miljoonia euroja.

Hanke odottaa Oulun kaavoituspäätöstä. Kalevana mukaan asia on Oulun kaupunkivaltuuston käsiteltävänä ensi viikolla.

Vielä ei ole selvää, tulisiko rakennuksista Nokian omistamia, Kaleva kertoo.

LINNANMAALLE kaavaillaan myös Radiopuistoa, jonne radioteknologiaan keskittyvät yhtiöt ja yrittäjät voisivat kokoontua omaksi verkostokseen.

”Kun me olemme alueen veturiyritys, haluamme auttaa, että muutkin menestyvät. Samalla me itsekin menestymme kilpailussa”, Sankari sanoi Kalevalle.

21 tykkäystä

Joka vanhoja muistaa, sitä tikulla silmään.

Miten tämä liittyy nyky-Nokiaan? Tämä mielikuva myy hyvin ja Nokia kerää isot voitot nimensä käyttämisestä. Vielä kun tietäisi, kuinka isot.

4 tykkäystä

Intiassa tehdään jälleen omanlaista politiikkaa. Tällä kertaa uutiset kertovat, että Ericssonille ja erityisesti maassa isoja tehtaita pyörittävälle Nokialle laitetaan kapuloita rattaisiin lätkäisemällä 10-20% tulli yhtiöiden Intian tehtaissa käyttämille komponenteille.

Ajatuksena on ilmeisesti suosia paikallista komponenttivalmistusta, mutta ongelma on, että sellaista ei kyseisille komponenteille löydy. Intia on melko arvaamaton paikka tehdä businestä, mikä varmasti rajoittaa maan mahdollisuuksia nousta Kiinan kaltaiseksi valmistuksen jättiläiseksi. Nokialla on valmistusta ympäri maailmaa, joten tuskin tämä mikään Nokian maailmaa mullistava asia kuitenkaan on. Nousevat kustannukset ovat toki aina myrkkyä.

11 tykkäystä

Press Release

Nokia and DISH to deploy first 5G standalone core network i n the public cloud with AWS

  • Nokia builds on relationship with DISH and AWS as DISH deploys the United States’first standalone, 5G cloud network on public cloud

21 June 2021

Dallas, Texas Nokia today said it will deploy its 5G standalone (SA) C ore for DISH on Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS). While DISH previously announced agreements with both companies, this news marks the world’s first deployment of 5G in the public cloud, supporting DISH’s cloud-native, OpenRAN-based 5G network with high-level scale, performance and security.

Nokia is deploying 5G SA Core on AWS to enable automation required to meet evolving customer needs, allowing DISH to support new enterprise and consumer 5G use cases quickly, securely and across multiple cloud stacks at end customer premises. Nokia 5G SA Core on AWSallows DISH to offer the responsiveness, flexibility and efficiency that is needed to create innovative new services for its customers, while leveraging automation for ongoing operations and unlocking crucial capabilities, such as network slicing.

Nokia is providing voice core, cloud packet core, subscriber data management, device management and NetGuard network security, as well as professional end-to-end security services for DISH. These solutions provide DISH the speed, flexibility and intelligence to deliver new,5G-era services while cost-effectively managing its network with near zero-touch automation and adherence to Service Level Agreementscompliant to DISH Service-Based Architecture (SBA).

Marc Rouanne, Chief Network Officer , DISH, said: “Running the Nokia 5G SA core on AWSwill optimize our network operations to launch new software and services rapidly and efficiently, enabling the integration of countless innovative use cases for customers. This collaboration is an important step forward on our mission to deploy the United States’ first cloud-native, OpenRAN-based 5G network.”

Dave Brown, Vice President, Amazon EC2 , AWS, said: “DISH’s cloud-native 5G

network serves as a prime example of how new carriers can revolutionize wireless

connectivity in the 5G era. DISH is continuing to put innovation first with an eye on customer

experience via this standalone core deployment on AWS with Nokia.”

Raghav Sahgal, President, Cloud and Network Services , Nokia, said: “We are pleased to break new ground in the telecom industry with AWS and DISH leveraging our cloud-native core to bring innovative 5G capabilities to enterprises and consumers. This collaboration places AWS and DISH at the forefront of the industry, delivering key 5G benefits such as agility and scalability to their customers over Nokia’s proven distributed core architecture.”


About Nokia

We create technology that helps the world act together.

As a trusted partner for critical networks, we are committed to innovation and technology leadership across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. We create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.

Adhering to the highest standards of integrity and security, we help build the capabilities needed for a more productive, sustainable and inclusive world.

About DISH

DISH Network Corporation is a connectivity company. Since 1980, it has served as a disruptive force, driving innovation and value on behalf of consumers. Through its subsidiaries, the company provides television entertainment and award-winning technology to millions of customers with its satellite DISH TV and streaming SLING TV services. In 2020, the company became a nationwide U.S. wireless carrier through the acquisition of Boost Mobile. DISH continues to innovate in wireless, building the nation’s first virtualized, O-RAN 5G broadband network. DISH Network Corporation (NASDAQ: DISH) is a Fortune 200 company.

For company information, visit

Media Inquiries

Phone: +358 10 448 4900

13 tykkäystä

Press R elease

Nokia 5G private wireless networking moves from trial to permanent deployment for Lufthansa Technik

  • Successful trial results in commercialdeployment of Nokia 5G SA (Standalone) private wireless network at Lufthansa Technik, Germany

  • 5G-powered Virtual Table Inspection (VTI) remote maintenance use case trial quickly confirmed as mission-critical infrastructure

  • Lufthansa Technik advances its 5G strategy with additional aviation MRO use cases. Incorporates VTI into Lufthansa Technik digital AVIATAR fleet management solution

21 June 2021

Espoo, Finland – Nokia today announced that following successful trial s , leading technical aircraft services provider Lufthansa Technik has recently brought Nokia 5G private wireless network ing into full -time commercial deployment at its facility in Hamburg , Germany .

Throughout a recently completed year-long pilot, and despite pandemic-related travel restrictions, 5G networking has enabled Lufthansa Technik to provide virtual engine parts inspection for its civil aviation customers over fast, high-definition video links.

Guiding customers directly through the engine shop via images generated by a 5G-enabled mobile device, Lufthansa Technik’s ‘Virtual Table Inspection’ (VTI) has allowed customers to remotely attend engine parts inspections, without travelling to its Hamburg facility.

Over a video stream, customers communicate in real time with engine mechanics performing maintenance work. Dismantled parts are jointly inspected on screen in high-resolution, enabling appropriate order decisions to be made. VTI has now been integrated into Lufthansa Technik’s digital AVIATAR technical aircraft fleet management solution.

Stephan Drewes, Chief Information Officer, Lufthansa Technik, said: “During the past year, the Nokia 5G private wireless network enabled us to provide uninterrupted virtual inspection service to our aircraft engine services customers – without a single minute of unpredicteddowntime. Based on this outstanding experience, we have decided to promote the initial test case to a permanent AVIATAR product offering.

“By deploying the pilot immediately prior to the pandemic, the Virtual Table Inspection use case was a very timely solution to travel restrictions, with 5G helping the test case evolve quickly from trial to business-critical infrastructure. Going forward, we anticipate that VTI will become the default method of inspection for some customers, while others will also employ a hybrid model that combines remote and in-person inspection.”

Raghav Sahgal, President, Nokia Cloud and Network Services , said : “The pandemic has highlighted the business value of digitalization, with companies that are more advanced in their digital transformation demonstrating greater levels of flexibility and resilience. Through Lufthansa Technik’s pioneering application of private wireless networking, it has illustrated the potential of 5G to improve productivity, and transform the customer experience in even the most challenging circumstances.”

The network is based on Nokia Digital Automation Cloud (DAC) 5G SA. Nokia DAC is an application platform providing high-bandwidth, low-latency, hyper-fast private wireless connectivity and local edge computing, which provides digitalization enablers.

Nokia has deployed mission-critical networks to over 1,550 leading customers in the transport, energy, large enterprise, manufacturing, webscale, and public sector segments around the globe. Leading enterprises across industries are leveraging decades of Nokia experience building some of the biggest and most advanced IP, optical, wired and wireless networks on the planet.

The Nokia Bell Labs Future X for industries architecture provides a framework for enterprises to accelerate their digitalization and automation journey to Industry 4.0. With more than 290 large enterprise customer deployments, Nokia has pioneered the private wireless space, and is named global market leader in private wireless by several industry analyst firms.

Additional resources :

About Nokia
We create technology that helps the world act together.
As a trusted partner for critical networks, we are committed to innovation and technology leadership across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. We create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.
Adhering to the highest standards of integrity and security, we help build the capabilities needed for a more productive, sustainable and inclusive world.

About Lufthansa Technik
With some 35 subsidiaries and affiliates, the Lufthansa Technik Group is one of the leading providers of technical aircraft services in the world. Certified internationally as maintenance, production and design organization, the company has a workforce of more than 22,000 employees. Lufthansa Technik’s portfolio covers the entire range of services for commercial and VIP/special mission aircraft, engines, components and landing gear in the areas of digital fleet support, maintenance, repair, overhaul, modification, completion and conversion as well as the manufacture of innovative cabin products.

Lufthansa Technik AVIATAR
AVIATAR is the independent platform for digitalproducts and services developed by Lufthansa Technik. Ranging from predictive maintenance to fulfilment and automated solutions, AVIATAR combines fleet management solutions, data science and engineering expertise to provide a comprehensive range of integrated digital services and products for airlines, MRO companies, OEMs and lessors that seamlessly integrate with physical fulfilment in TechOps and beyond.

Media Inquiries:

Phone: +358 10 448 4900

13 tykkäystä

HMN, now majority-owned by the Hengtong Group, submitted a bid that was 20% below rivals Alcatel Submarine Networks (ASN) and Japan’s NEC, Reuters reported.

9 tykkäystä

Itse olen nyt huonossa paikassa eli lomailemassa ja puhelimen varassa, joten huono lähteä tutkimaan enempää.

Mutta eikös juuri tähän liittynyt kilpailutilanne kumpaan Lufthansa tulee päätymään: Nokia vastaan (olikohan) Vodafone ja Ericsson yhdessä. Onko sopimus tulkittavissa niin että Nokia on ollut vahvempi?

10 tykkäystä

Mun mielestä on, tuskinpa privaverkkoon otetaan useita toimittajia. Mun käsittääkseni Nokia on panostanut jo pidemmän aikaa privaverkkoihin huomattavasti muita toimittajia enemmän. Kun Nokialla on enemmän priva-asiakkaita, niin myös tietotaito on parempi.

@Lexus mä en erityisen huonona paikkana lomailua ja puhelimen varassa olemista pidä, etenkin kun muistaa välillä sammuttaa puhelimen.

6 tykkäystä

Finnish telecom vendor Nokia and India’s HFCL have already confirmed their participation. Media reports suggest that Ericsson is also likely to further invest in India as part of the PLI initiative.

5 tykkäystä

Siellä oli eri käyttötarkoituksia, eli sinänsä eivät kilpailleet.

2 tykkäystä


As announced by Telefónica: the operator, in partnership with Nokia, Ineco, Stellantis, the CTAG (Automotive Technology Centre of Galicia) and SICE, has sensorised and given 5G coverage to the Cereixal tunnel on the A-6 (Lugo) of the road network of the Spanish Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, thus moving towards a smart road that communicates with connected vehicles and assists driving.

The smart tunnel, the first in Spain to be connected to vehicles, uses the specific capabilities for C-V2X (cellular vehicle-to-everything) vehicular communications and IoT (Internet of Things) sensorisation and edge computing of the 5G network to send information to drivers on the weather conditions at the exit, road works, warnings of slow vehicles, potential congestion, accidents, obstacles on the road, the presence of pedestrians, oncoming vehicles and sudden braking during their journeys through it, as well as warnings of the entry of emergency vehicles.

Video: 5G connected smart tunnel in Spain for assisted driving - YouTube

5 tykkäystä

Nokian yhteistyökumppanille tärkeä voitto patenttiriidassa. Kopioinut firma, Rosenberger joutuu oikeuden päätöksellä toistaiseksi maapallon laajuiseen myyntikieltoon kyseisen tuotteen osalta.

On pakko todeta, että tässä patenttiriidassa on samoja aineksia kuin tapauksessa Nokia v Daimler.

Onneksi USA:ssa patenteilla on Saksaa parempi suoja

We are also encouraged to see that Rosenberger has discontinued its sale of related BSAs

  • Rosenberger noudattaa oikeuden päätöstä ja on keskeyttänyt BSA -myynnin.

CommScope, a global leader in network connectivity, scored a significant win in a lawsuit against Rosenberger for misappropriation of base station antenna (“BSA”) trade secrets and other illegal conduct. The New Jersey Federal District Court ordered Rosenberger to stop using CommScope’s trade secret BSA software, and Rosenberger has since withdrawn from the market BSAs that CommScope claims Rosenberger designed using CommScope’s misappropriated software.

The order prohibits Rosenberger and its agents and subsidiaries from using CommScope’s trade secret BSA software in any way, anywhere in the world. Both this order and the worldwide suspension on Rosenberger’s sale of tainted BSAs will remain in effect at least until the case is resolved.

This victory for CommScope marks an important step in the protection of its BSA-related trade secrets, which extend beyond the misappropriated software. CommScope is pursuing a permanent injunction against Rosenberger, covering its claims that Rosenberger also stole CommScope’s BSA hardware and business trade secrets, in addition to the stolen software.

In light of the significant preliminary relief CommScope has already obtained, the Court recently determined that broader injunctive relief would be decided after the trial.

“CommScope innovates, designs, manufactures, and sells best-in-class telecommunications products and equipment around the world,” said Farid Firouzbakht, senior vice president of Outdoor Wireless Networks, CommScope. "CommScope filed this lawsuit to protect the company’s significant investments in developing innovative products that provide superior value to our network infrastructure customers.

We are glad that the Court entered this order, which will help protect our investments and intellectual property. We are also encouraged to see that Rosenberger has discontinued its sale of related BSAs. CommScope looks forward to bringing all its trade secret claims to trial, where Rosenberger can be held liable for its unlawful conduct."

8 tykkäystä

Nokia lisää merkittävästi joustavuutta työkäytäntöihin ensi vuoden alusta.

10 tykkäystä

Nokian kustannusten karsintaohjelma saa jatkoa, henkilöstön lisäksi. Koronan ansiosta on huomattu, että etätyökin toimii. Aie on tehdä työstä 60 % asti eli 3/5 päivää kotona (Huawein kyberiskupuolella 3 päivää viikossa eli 3/7 olisi 43 % :clown_face:). Työpaikan tiloista enää 30 % jäisi työntekijöiden yksilösuorituksille, loput ryhmille. Seinistä säästö on Nokialla globaali tavoite.

Nokia muuttaa työtapojaan joustavammiksi: ”Paluuta vanhaan ei ole”, sanoo toimitusjohtaja Pekka Lundmark

Edit: suomeksi lisää linkkejä, laitan vielä, jos näen savoksi olevan

Edit2: savoksi ei löytynyt, mutta jollakin muulla vieraalla kielellä Pekka selittää tätä uutta hybridityöntekomallia. Taustalla näkyy ryhmätyöskentelytilan puiset jakkarat, jotka takaavat, että aika käytetetään tehokkaasti.

17 tykkäystä

Ruotsissa Huawei-asia käsiteltiin avoimesti ja päätökset perustellaan kiertelemättä. Turvallisuudesta ei tingitä. Arvostan tässä asiassa ruotsalaista tapaa monella tavalla enemmän, kuin vaikkapa oman maamme toimintaa.

17 tykkäystä

Mika Kahkola, Head of RF Platforms Management at Nokia, said : “The time is right for Nokia to join forces with Ligado to commercialize the L-Band.

Nokia and Ligado partner to develop 5G base station radios for L-Band

Tue, June 22, 2021, 6:00 PM

  • Collaboration will jumpstart the L-Band commercial ecosystem

22 June 2021

Dallas, Texas – Nokia and Ligado Networks today announced an agreement for Nokia to develop 5G base station radios compatible with Ligado’s L-Band spectrum. This partnership will be the first in North America to develop a commercial L-Band offering to enable operators, service providers and enterprises to expand their 5G services.

As the new L-Band spectrum becomes available, Nokia is adding support for L-Band to its 5G portfolio which already includes C-Band and Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) solutions. 5G Standalone (SA) services are now poised for commercial build out in the U.S. with the increased availability of mid-band spectrum, which provides the right balance of coverage and capacity to support a robust 5G user experience.

Today’s announcement builds on the prior 3rdGeneration Partnership Project (3GPP) Ligado band standardization support and collaboration between Nokia and Ligado which demonstrated the benefits of making new spectrum available to support next-generation 5G networks for a variety of industries including, energy, manufacturing, healthcare, and transportation. Within 3GPP, Ligado has successfully advanced band combinations for L-Band with C-Band, CBRS, and EBS/BRS to support increased access to the valuable spectrum.

Nokia’s commercial development of L-Band network equipment for Ligado will allow L-Band to support cost-efficient, broad-based and rapidly deployed 5G standalone solutions.

M aqbool Aliani , Chief Technology Officer at Ligado Networks, said : “Our partnership with an industry leader like Nokia is a significant milestone for our company and brings the deployment of L-Band spectrum in 5G mobile networks one step closer to reality. Nokia is a key partner in Ligado’s commercial efforts to develop the vendor ecosystem around this lower mid-band spectrum, and we look forward to advancing our collaboration activities to ready the L-Band for 5G network deployments.”

Mika Kahkola, Head of RF Platforms Management at Nokia, said : “The time is right for Nokia to join forces with Ligado to commercialize the L-Band.

Together, we will help mobile operators and enterprises across the U.S. capitalize on the low-mid-band spectrum that hits the sweet spot for capacity and coverage and can accelerate 5G service.”


10 tykkäystä

Tämä yritys Saksasta on patenttiriidan toinen osapuoli.

Antenneja näkyy olevan myös L-band käyttöön!

Base Station Antennas

Rosenberger invested significant resources in the development of new antenna products responding to the upgrade plans for existing networks, to consolidate existing antennas to make way for MIMO deployments of higher order across all bands, and to prepare the sites to accommodate new requirements for 5G, particularly in the L-band.

4 tykkäystä

It (China) had asked Sweden to “immediately correct the mistake” of banning Huawei and issued a veiled warning this month that it might take retaliatory action against Ericsson.

An Ericsson spokesman said the PTS decision, now affirmed by the court, “may adversely impact the economic interests of Sweden and Swedish industry, including those of Ericsson.”

Valitettavasti seurauksia voi tulla, Kiina on suurvalta….

7 tykkäystä