Nokia sijoituskohteena (Osa 2)

Orange kertoo käyttävänsä Euroopassa Nokian ja Ericssonin laitteita, mutta Afrikassa myös Huawei käy.

JUNE 29, 2021 17:50 PM.

BARCELONA (Reuters) - Orange, France’s largest telecoms firm, will avoid using equipment from Chinese vendors when developing Europe’s 5G networks, opting for suppliers such as Ericsson and Nokia instead, its chief executive said.

But the company sees no issue in working with Huawei in Africa, where the Chinese company dominates as a supplier of equipment to many telecoms operators.

“We’re working more and more with Chinese vendors in Africa, not because we like China, but we have an excellent business relationship with Huawei,” CEO Stephane Richard told Reuters at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on Tuesday.

“They’ve invested in Africa while the European vendors have been hesitating.”

European governments have tightened controls on Chinese companies building 5G networks following diplomatic pressure from Washington, which alleges Huawei equipment could be used by Beijing for spying.

Huawei has repeatedly denied being a national security risk.

Some countries, such as Britain and Sweden, had banned the Chinese vendors outright, while others have encouraged telecom operators to opt for European suppliers, particularly in the core parts of their networks.

“It’s not only the pressure from the government - we are European citizens and share the concern,” Richard said in an interview on the sidelines of Mobile World Congress. “We can’t ignore the fact that the big Chinese players are close to the Chinese state.”

Ericsson and Nokia have steadily taken market share from Huawei and, late last year, Orange’s Belgian division decided to progressively replace Huawei equipment with kit from Nokia.

The Orange CEO also showed willingness to use gear from South Korea’s Samsung, which he described as an alternative to the “China vs. Europe debate”.

Samsung signed Vodafone as its first European customer earlier this month as it tries to enter a market dominated by Nokia, Ericsson and Huawei.

“We’ll need time and additional investment to build new standalone networks with multiple vendors,” Richard said. “The fact is that in Europe today developing 5G networks with Chinese vendors is more and more difficult - we take this as a reality.”

12 tykkäystä

Paris, FRANCE, 29/06/2021

Alcatel Submarine Networks Marine announces the acquisition of 2 vessels: the Ile de Molène and the Ile d’Yeu

7 tykkäystä


Press Release

Nokia MulteFire solution unlocks global unlicensed spectrum for private 4.9G/LTE

Nokia first to market with MulteFire® based private wireless using new Nokia Industrial device on Nokia Digital Automation Cloud

Nokia Industrial MulteFire router 700 series opens up high-performance private wireless to new markets globally accelerating mass adoption

MulteFire solution simplifies private wireless – adds capacity to private wireless networks through deployment over unlicensed spectrum, enables new nomadic use cases, advances Industry 4.0 for SMEs

30 June 2021

Espoo, Finland – Nokia has announced availability of its new, industry-first MFA (MulteFire Alliance) certified 4.9G/LTE private wireless networking solution. Designed to open up private wireless for mass adoption by an entirely new range of customers, applications and markets worldwide, the Nokia Industrial MulteFire router 700 user equipment (UE) is available for deployment with Nokia Digital Automation Cloud (DAC).

The new Nokia MulteFire-standard UE and Nokia MulteFire access point are for use with the Nokia DAC platform, enabling simple, fast set-up of private wireless connectivity. The Nokia MulteFire private wireless solution is suitable for both permanent networking and temporary deployments in use cases such as sporting and cultural events, media broadcasting, construction sites, field hospitals and public emergencies.

MulteFire is an LTE-based technology that operates in unlicensed spectrum, including the global 5GHz band. By providing an easy-to-use, pre-integrated solution, Nokia is making carrier-grade 4.9G/LTE private wireless available to a host of potential new users. With deployment available globally, it can be used by customers currently without access to licensed spectrum, or bring additional capacity as a complementary layer to wireless networks.

Stephan Litjens, Vice President, Enterprise Solutions, Nokia Cloud and Networking Services, said: “Being first to market with the only fully industry-approved MulteFire solution available, allows Nokia to set a new standard in wireless broadband convenience and affordability for a worldwide mass market. Our unique MulteFire UE solution further extends our market-leading portfolio of industrial-grade connectivity solutions, and by doing so, also brings Industry 4.0 one step closer for small and medium-sized enterprises.”

Bringing enhanced coverage and capacity, low latency and mobility, the new Nokia MulteFire solution can be used to complement private wireless networks in licensed spectrum by delivering additional capacity over 5GHz unlicensed spectrum. For mobile operators offering private wireless to their customers, it enables them to tier their private wireless portfolio, with more economical offerings geared towards new markets.

Hien Nguyen, CTO, Safari Solutions, said: “A core part of our business is event services, such as sports, trade shows and broadcast services, which involve frequent, fast deployment of IT systems where reliable communications connectivity is business critical. With the Nokia MulteFire private wireless solution, we now have a major boost to our connectivity options with fast, reliable and easy-to-deploy mobile broadband, regardless of location or licensed spectrum availability. A huge improvement on Wi-Fi in terms of coverage, security and reliability, and reducing dependency on commercial networks, Nokia MulteFire opens up a range of new possibilities in terms of what we can offer our clients.”

Added Litjens: “Following growth in private wireless adoption across asset-intensive industries, our MulteFire offering now sets the stage for take-up by an entirely new range of customers, across public sector and enterprises. And, without the need for licensed spectrum, that appeal is now global.”

Analyst quote:

Will Townsend, Senior Analyst, Security, Carriers and Enterprise Networking, Moor Insights and Strategy, said: “MulteFire has the potential to significantly contribute to private wireless networking adoption given its ability to deploy over unlicensed spectrum. Nokia’s focus on easing deployment based on a plug-and-play approach could make it a compelling consideration for enterprises concerned about the complexities of managing cellular networking infrastructure.”

A compact, easy-to-deploy platform, Nokia DAC comprises network and user equipment, a cloud-based operation monitoring system and industrial connectors that ease standard and industry-specific protocol connectivity. It also features device management capability that seamlessly integrates ruggedized handhelds and other wireless devices.

Nokia is a founding member of the MFA, an international organization that champions global industry adoption of private cellular networks using unlicensed spectrum. The Nokia Industrial MulteFire router 700 solution is the first device to have been independently certified by MFA. Based on 3GPP Release 13 and 14 and MulteFire R1.0 standard, MulteFire supports Listen-Before-Talk for co-existence with Wi-Fi and other technologies operating in the same spectrum.

With more than 290 large enterprise customers across industries worldwide, of which over 40 incorporate 5G, Nokia has been cited by numerous industry analysts as the leading provider of private wireless networking worldwide.

Nokia has deployed mission-critical networks to over 1,500 leading enterprise customers in the transport, energy, large enterprise, manufacturing, webscale, and public sector segments around the globe. Leading enterprises across industries are leveraging decades of Nokia experience building some of the biggest and most advanced IP, optical, and wireless networks on the planet.

11 tykkäystä

Ensimarkkinan suunnannäyttö. 5G markkina datamäärässä nyt suurempi kuin 4G LTE markkina. Käyttäjämäärissä vielä reilusti perässä, mutta tuskin erityisen pitkään.

9 tykkäystä

Eilinen ilmoitus (ei ole tainnut olla täällä).

First 4G/5G end-to-end private network supporting network slicing in a Schneider Electric factory in France through Orange co-innovation partnership.

Arnaud Vamparys, Senior Vice President Radio Networks at Orange Innovation and 5G Champion, said: “Thanks to Nokia’s advanced slicing technology, Orange is able to further explore with Schneider Electric the power of scalable private 4G/5G connectivity applied to industrial uses.”

Tommi Uitto, President of Mobile Networks at Nokia, said: “With Nokia’s network slicing solution, Communication Service Providers and Enterprises can enjoy first to market advantage through the early launch of new slicing services, for all end-users equipped with 4G or 5G devices. As a long time innovation partner, Nokia is delighted to achieve this first with Orange in an industrial manufacturing environment.”

10 tykkäystä

Whops… Nokian sopparissa esimerkiksi Microsoftin (Azure) kanssa taitaa olla järkeä.


AT&T will move its 5G mobile network to the Microsoft cloud. This strategic alliance provides a path for all of AT&T’s mobile network traffic to be managed using Microsoft Azure technologies. The companies will start with AT&T’s 5G core, the software at the heart of the 5G network that connects mobile users and IoT devices with internet and other services. Bringing existing and future network workloads to Azure for Operators will enable AT&T to increase productivity and cost efficiency while focusing on the delivery of large-scale network services that meet its customers’ evolving needs.

Edit: Tämä Nokian ja AT&T:n sopimus on osana suurempaa ajatusta, joten ilmoitettu Microsoftin ja AT&T:n sopimus ei luultavasti tuo Nokialle riskiä.

  • Nokia to integrate its Cloud RAN technology with Microsoft Azure
  • Nokia partnering with best-in-class cloud providers to leverage its Cloud RAN leadership and drive end-user 5G deployments.
20 tykkäystä

Katselin eilisen ja tämän päivän robosaldot, liputtaja muista että muutkaan ei näitä näe jos liputtelet, ohita vaan tai ohita minun postaukset kokonaan, sekin täällä onnistuu :see_no_evil:

eilen 10,2% (sis huutarit) 17,04% ilman
tänään 9,31% (sis huutarit) 19,67% ilman

joku voisi sanoa että jännästi vähentynyt kun GS nosti tavoitehintaansa :thinking:

21 tykkäystä

How do other operators know Microsoft’s platform is able to perform? Well, it’s the platform that was developed and underlies the AT&T network. In a key intellectual property and human capital transfer, Microsoft will add more than 100 engineers and will own the technology to run 5G core networks on its cloud.

While Amazon’s AWS had most of the buzz until now as the core infrastructure provider for the new Dish network when it launches later on in 2021, this deal makes Microsoft the established leader for operators who want to move their 5G core workload to the cloud.

As AT&T is the first large scale operator who is moving its 5G core workload to the cloud, within the next five years more than half, if not three-quarters, of mobile operators will follow AT&T.

3 tykkäystä

Tosiaan vaihto pientä nyt. Lyhyessä tuntitason trendissä falling wedgen makua. Sikäli siis näyttää edelleen hyvältä.

Puolestaan pidemmässä trendissä haitari vaikuttaisi kasvavan, eli megafoni kuviona.

17 tykkäystä

Nosto Kauppalehden uutisoinnista,
siruja lisää tulossa Marwellilta!

Käsitykseni mukaan Marwell on yksi
parhaimmista ja arvostetuimmista sirutoimittajista, tulee kunnon tavaraa.

Nokian osake ampaisi nousuun Goldman Sachsin analyytikon otettua näkemyksessään positiivisen harppauksen


Kurssi nostattaa iso harppaus Goldman Sachsin analyytikon Nokia-näkemyksessä. Analyytikko Alexander Duval nosti Nokian osakkeen tavoitehinnan perjantaina aiemmasta 4,10 eurosta 5,40 euroon ja osakkeelle antamansa suosituksen pidä-tasolta osta-tasolle.

Analyytikko perustelee nostoa….


Duval nostaa esiin myös siruvalmistaja Marwell Technologyn kertoman tiedon, jonka mukaan yhtiö olisi käynnistämässä toimituksia Nokialle, mikä voi analyytikon mukaan ennakoida Nokian 5g-liiketoiminnan kasvua lähitulevaisuudessa.

12 tykkäystä

Tämän päivän Hesarissa (maksumuuri) seikkailevat Harri Holkeri, nuori Lundmark 30 vuotta sitten ja nyky-Lundmark. Hän ratkaisee Elisan Mattilan kanssa mm. ilmastonmuutoksen ja lajikadon. Ja jotta saatiin klikkiotsikko, piti juttuun saada suuri huijaus mukaan.

Ketjussa on referoitu @Lexus aiemmin Nokian tekevän kaikkien suurten pilvipalvelijoidenn kanssa yhteistyötä. Lisäksi AT&T vie 5g coren Microsoftin pilveen ja ennuste oli, että 5 vuoden kuluessa 75 % verkoista tilanne olisi tämä.

Microsoft lisää 100 insinööriä pilvipalveluun jne.

Osaisiko joku hahmottaa tämän kokonaisuuden uhka/mahdollisuus Nokialle. Yhteistyö ohjelmistoratkaisuja kehittävän suoran kilpailijan kanssa???


”5G-VERKOT ovat yhä enemmän ohjelmistopohjaisia. Sen vuoksi 5g-apajilla eivät ole vain Nokia, Ericsson ja vakoiluepäilyjen leimaama kiinalainen Huawei. Uusi kilpailija on eteläkorealainen monialayhtiö Samsung, mutta myös teknologia-alan suuryhtiöt Microsoft, Google ja Amazon tarjoavat ja kehittävät 5g-ohjelmistoratkaisuja.”

”Mistä Lundmark ja Mattila löytävät innostuksensa nyt?

Molemmilla on samansuuntainen vastaus. He uskovat, että maailman polttavimmat ongelmat, kuten ilmastonmuutos ja lajikato, ratkeavat teknologialla.”

Spoilerina vielä:

”30 vuoden takainen jännitys vaikuttaa lauenneen. Lundmark uskoo Nokian olevan oikeilla raiteilla vaikeiden viime vuosien jälkeen.

Historiankirjoihin pitää silti tehdä vielä yksi muutos.

Ensimmäisen virallisen gsm-puhelun jälkeen Tampereelta soitettiin vielä Turkuun. Sitten Holkerin oli määrä vastata Turun kaupunginjohtaja Juhani Lepän puheluun. Espan lavan kaiuttimista ei kuulunut mitään. Yleisö ehti hölmistyä.

Holkeri korjasi tilanteen. Vika oli vain äänentoistossa. Silakka-asioita käsitellyt, kolmas virallinen gsm-puhelu oli onnistunut. Vai oliko sittenkään?

”Nyt sen ehkä uskaltaa tunnustaa”, Lundmark sanoo.

Gsm-puhelu Turusta ei mennyt läpi. Puhelu tuli analogista varalinjaa pitkin.

”Tehtiin pieni huijaus.”

Ensimmäinen gsm-puhelu soitettiin 30 vuotta sitten. Paikalla oli Nokian Pekka Lundmark, joka paljastaa, miten mediaa huijattiin. ”Nyt sen ehkä uskaltaa tunnustaa.”

9 tykkäystä

“Ensimmäistä virallista puhelua edelsi testipuhelu” Kukas siellä takarivissä :wink:

18 tykkäystä

Vahvasti eri mieltä. Juuri nykyisellä pörssiarvolla Nokia ei pysy itsenäisenä etenkin jos verkoista tulee isojen poikien (Google, Oracle, MS, Amazon) kilpailukenttä. Ja miksi ei tulisi?

2 tykkäystä

Achieves 300Mbps uplink 5G speed record

Optus has achieved another Australian 5G record, smashing 5G upload speeds as part of its mmWave testing on its live commercial network, together with technology partner Nokia, as it continues to push the possibilities of its super-fast 5G network.

The record utilized Nokia’s comprehensive AirScale product portfolio powered by its ReefShark System-on-Chip (SoC) chipsets for the highest capacity and network performance.

Optus currently has more than 1300 5G sites across Sydney, Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Canberra as well as key areas outside of these cities. Optus currently has six mmWave sites with more rolling out over the coming months.

@Vino_Pino hyvä kysymys. Olen itse käsityksessä että jonkin verran on päällekkäisyyksiä, mutta enimmäkseen kyse on yhteistyöstä. Microsoft ainakin on tehnyt ostojen kautta laajentumista, ja näin tullut lähemmäs Nokian ja Ericssonin liiketoimintaa. Joku syvällisemmin teknologiaa tunteva voisi ottaa kantaa.

Vaikuttaa etttä nykyisellään uudet isot tekijät (Amazon, Google, Microsoft) haluavat olla softwaren puolella eivätkä ota osaa raudan puolelle. Sitten kun/jos esimerkiksi Nokia tekee rautaa, liittyy siihen varmasti paljon softwarea mitä nämä isot uudet tekijät eivät pysty tekemään. Toki ORAN puoli voi osittain muuttaa tätä ajatusta.

7 tykkäystä

Huawein tukiasemiin liittyvien komponenttien saatavuudesta ei ole kuulunut hetkeen mitään. Nykytilanteen vallitessa se käyttää viime vuoden loppuun saakka TSMC:ltä haalimia varastojaan, joiden oletetaan riittävän tukiasemien osalta vuoden loppuun asti (mistään ei löydy tarkkaa arviota).

Oheisen jutun mukaan jenkkien teknologiaan sidonnaisten komponenttien osuus tukiasemien osista on 30%.

Varastojen tyrehtymisen jälkeenkin tukiasemia voidaan ilmeisesti valmistaa second tier toimittajien osista. Ongelmana on mm. virrankulutuksen kasvu, jota aiotaan kompensoida rahalla operaattoreille. Ei kuulosta kovin terveelle business mallille pidemmän päälle ja operaattorina olisin epäileväinen.
“Even assuming Huawei has cached enough silicon for Chinese carrier clients’ purposes, it may have had to make sacrifices in performance because of shortages in second-tier components. Resorting to less-sophisticated local alternatives may hinder areas such as power consumption rate, the people said. To rectify that, Huawei’s promised to compensate carriers for part of that additional electricity expense, they said. A typical 5G base station consumes roughly four times the power of a standard 4G model.”

Nokian ja Ericssonin näkökulmasta Huawein ongelmien luulisi kiihdyttävän 5G -markkinaosuuksien valumista länsimaisten toimijoiden suuntaan. Lisäksi voisin kuvitella, että Huawei ei pysty samalla tavalla kehittämään tuotteitaan ja näin ollen sen on vaikea taistella teknologisessa kilpajuoksussa. Nokia haroi parin vuoden etumatkan umpeen todistetusti viime viikkoisen tuotejulkistuksen yhteydessä (SOC kehitys vei tuon ajan). Nyt panostetaan entistä kiivaammin tuotekehitykseen ja se vaikuttaisi erinomaiselta peliliikkeeltä strategisesta näkökulmasta.

12 tykkäystä

Sopivasti aiheeseen liittyen.


Last November, Nokia partnered with AWS, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure to combine the Finnish corporations’s Open RAN and Cloud RAN with the CSPs’ edge and cloud platforms to deliver additional 5G monetisation opportunities. The goal was to make Nokia’s RANs completely cloud-agnostic, as well as develop the automation and distribution levels that need to exist for these kinds of applications to become a reality.

“If we talk about even serving enterprise networks or 5G public networks, for that matter, then we are in many, many sites,” Rygaard explains. “And, that means, from a network perspective, that you suddenly got thousands upon thousands of small clouds. What we now need to explore is how to actually manage that performance wise. If you need the network to run these real-time requirements, and you need to be able to get the network performance of the 5G network, then we need to explore things together. And that’s really where we’re saying we have the need for collaboration, because this is not something that any of us can fix alone.

We come with very different competencies of doing this. And this is really the strength of the collaboration; solving different parts of the puzzle and understanding what we can and what we can’t do, but also what is the best way of doing it.”

10 tykkäystä

Lisää kuitua, jälleen.

  • 100,000 homes and businesses to be covered by 2022, 1 million by 2025
  • Nokia solution includes XGS-PON and whole-home Wi-Fi 6

Nokia and Lightspeed Broadband today announced they will roll out a 10G symmetric fiber broadband to 1 million homes and businesses in the East of England by the end of 2025. Lightspeed will connect the first 100,000 customers by the end of 2022, starting in 10 market towns in South Lincolnshire and West Norfolk, including Spalding, Stamford, Boston and King’s Lynn, and expanding through Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex .

10 tykkäystä


  • Exceptionally large volume (compared to historical averages) is one reason for which options market activity can be considered unusual.

  • Another sign of unusual activity is the trading of a contract with an expiration date in the distant future. Usually, additional time until a contract expires allows more opportunity for it to reach its strike price and grow its time value. Time value is important to consider because it represents the difference between the strike price and the value of the underlying asset…

10 tykkäystä

Varoitus roboseurantaa, lähes neljännestä taas vaihdosta

Update on Robot #1500 so far today in Helsinki Stock Exchange @ 14:40
530 out of 5283 transactions was 1500pcs events ~ 10,03 % of all transactions
(530x1500) out of 3,96m changed total shares ~ Minimum of 23,42% of total shares exchanged
(530x1500) out of 3,88m changed total shares, without morning auction ~ Minimum of 23,92% of total shares exchanged
This between 10:00 and 14:40 today, with avg price of 4,57
PS. some #1500 trades have “broken” into smaller unrecognisable events ie. 133+1367 which i am too lazy/retarded to follow

19 tykkäystä

Ja kuten näissä falling wedgen tapauksissa usein, tämä purkaantui ylöspäin.

21 tykkäystä