Nokia sijoituskohteena (Osa 2)

Nokia Technologies will continue to monetize and grow the value of Nokia’s intellectual property and licensing revenue by investing in innovation and its world-leading patent portfolio as well as pursuing other licensing opportunities. It is expected to deliver a slight improvement in comparable* operating profit in 2021, relative to 2020, and stable performance over the longer term.

Ja tuoreessa vuosiraportissa sanotaan:

■ Nokia owns one of the broadest and strongest patent portfolios in the mobile communications sector. At the end of 2020, Nokia’s patent portfolio included around 20 000 patent families (each family being composed of several individual patents), of which the vast majority will still be in force through 2030.

we have declared more than 3 500 patent families as essential for 5G, and are proud of the number of industry firsts that we have achieved. In January 2020, an independent analytics firm, IPlytics GmbH, ranked Nokia #2 for ownership of granted 5G patents declared in at least one office, and an independent study by the consultancy company PA Consulting concluded that Nokia was #1 for ownership of granted patents that the researchers found essential to the 5G standard.

We continue to refresh our portfolio from R&D activities across all Nokia businesses, filing patent applications on more than 1 500 new inventions in 2020.

Muistutuksena myös Nokian vuonna 2018 julkaistu tavoite 5G-lisensoinnissa, jonka osalta maksu olisi enintään 3 euroa per matkapuhelin 5G-ominaisuuden osalta: “Nokia expects that for mobile phones which implement the 5G New Radio standard, the licensing rate for the Nokia 5G SEP portfolio will be capped at €3 per device.”

13 tykkäystä

Tämä on keskeinen muutos uuteen lakiin:

The pro­posed rules aim to make it harder for a plain­tiff to win an in­junc­tion. The ini­tia­tive has split Ger-many’s typ­i­cally uni­fied busi­ness com­mu­nity, pit­ting some of the coun­try’s big­gest patent users against its big­gest patent hold­ers.

Write to Bertrand Benoit at

March 14, 2021 08:03 a.m. EDT

Tässä WSJ:n artikkelissa kerrotaan Saksassa meneillään olevasta patenttilakien muutoksesta, josta on kaksi täysin vastakkaista näkökulmaa.
Case Nokia v Daimler on yksi esimerkki vallitsevasta tilanteesta.
Ihmeekseni artikkeliin on päässyt ”asianuntija” Florian Mueller, joka tunnetusti nimittää Nokiaa patenttitrolliksi, koska muka Nokia yrittää rahastaa oikeudettomasti Daimleria.

BERLIN—Ger­many has long been a mag­net for global patent lit­i­ga­tion, en­snar­ing com­pa­nies like Apple Inc., Sam­sung Elec­tron­ics Co. and Al­pha-bet Inc.’s Google.

Now a coali­tion of Ger­man blue-chip firms and for­eign multi­na­tion­als, in­clud­ing big U.S. tech firms, is push-ing leg­is­la­tion that would lessen the coun­try’s ap­peal for those seek­ing to as­sert their in­tel­lec­tual prop­erty.

Ger­many’s main patent courts, in Mu­nich, Mannheim and Düs­sel­dorf, sys­tem­at­i­cally or­der in­junc-tions, or tem­po­rary sales bans, for prod­ucts sub­ject to patent suits. That makes them at­trac­tive le­gal venues for patent hold­ers.

Key tar­gets of the leg­is­la-tion are so-called non­prac-tic­ing en­ti­ties, or NPEs, which amass port­fo­lios of patents that they li­cense in­stead of us­ing them in their own prod­ucts. Crit­ics call them patent trolls.

For­eign com­pa­nies have joined the fray. Apple, Sam­sung, Nvidia Corp. and Mi­crosoft Corp., among oth­ers, have joined a Eu-ropean lobby group push­ing the mea­sure.

On the other side are com­pa­nies like 3M Co., Pana­sonic Corp., Er­ic­s-son AB and Nokia Corp., which through the years have ac­cu­mu­lated large li­braries of patents.

“In the Ger­man le­gal tra­di-tion, if you are do­ing some-thing you shouldn’t be do­ing, then first you have to stop,” said Flo­rian Mueller, an in­de­pen­dent in­tel­lec­tual prop­erty an­a­lyst. “Rem­edy is an af­terthought.*


I’m just surprised, how WSJ has used notariously biased Florian Mueller as a commentator.

(Lähetin linkin artikkelista Juve patent
asiantuntijoille arvioitavaksi, onko asiasisältö ok ja tarvittaessa kommentoitavaksi WSJ:n toimittajalle)

16 tykkäystä

" Belgialainen tietoliikenneyhtiö Telenet ilmoitti tänään aikovansa luoda oman 5G-verkkonsa yhdessä Nokian , Ericssonin ja Googlen kanssa.

Telenet on Belgian suurin tietoliikenneyhtiö. Sen vuosittainen liikevaihto on noin 2,6 miljardia euroa."

18 tykkäystä

Telenetin oma tiedote asiasta avaa asiaa vähän enemmän.

Ikävä kyllä, RAN näyttäisi menevän Ericssonille ja Coresta vastaa Nokia. Hyvä kai tämäkin, mutta RAN-kauppoja on pakko saada lisää – muuten ei hyvä heilu.

14 tykkäystä

Ja Ericssonin ilmoitus asiasta.

Vaikuttaisi että aikaisemmin Telenetillä oli vahva asiakkuus ZTE:n kanssa.

Ja sitten Nokian core vaikuttaisi olevan todella haluttua tavaraa. Yhteistyö Googlen kanssa (Google Cloud and Nokia will jointly develop cloud-native 5G Core solutions for communications service providers and enterprise customers) tuskin tekee siihen yhtään pahaa. Valitettavasti Ericsson vei sen arvokkaamman RANin, mutta ainakin itsellä on uskoa että muutamassa vuodessa Nokia kirii vähintään tasoihin. Vaikuttaisi että kyse on myös osittain siitä että mitä osa-alueita RANista painotetaan nykyisellään… siis siihen liittyen mikä on kilpailuasetelma Ericsson vs. Nokia.

10 tykkäystä

Ericsson vahvassa nousussa tänäänkin, tosin taitaa tuon Belgian kaupan sijaan SEBin suositusnosto vaikuttaa enemmän. Eiköhän näitä suositusnostoja ala Nokiallekin tulla torstain sijoittajapäivän jälkeen, hoppas jag.


	STOCKHOLM (Direkt) SEB Equities höjer sin rekommendation för Ericsson till köp från behåll. Riktkursen höjs till 130 från 110 kronor.

Det framgår av en analys som släpptes på måndagen.

Aktien stängde på 113:20 kronor i fredags.

Börsredaktionen +46 8 51917911
Nyhetsbyrån Direkt

5 tykkäystä

Pieni kevyt update miltä teknisesti näyttää.


Testissä high low’n perään edellinen high high 5,5795 €. Kuvaaja 30 pv ja 1 h kynttilät - HH, LL, HL kommentit eivät kuitenkaan 1h kynttilöiden mukaan.


Ja samoin testissä 200 pv MA @ 3,5745 €. (25.2 nousu tyssäsi tähän tasoon, nyt ylitys?)

Viikkotasolla 50 W MA @ 3,504 € tarjoaa tukea. Viime viikolla osake päätti päälle.

Päivätasolla teknisesti vaisuhko, mutta tarjoaa ns. kohtuullisen näköisen setupin.
Pidemmällä aikavälillä (vk) trendi on nouseva ja tehnyt korkeamman pohjan.

12 tykkäystä

Press Release

Nokia and Orange strike global 5G network optimization deal

Nokia Self-Organizing Networks (SON) to boost automation and support 5G optimization across Orange affiliates
The deal allows Orange affiliate operators to optimize their mobile networks irrespective of which RAN vendor they run on with the help of Nokia SON technology
15 March 2021

Espoo, Finland – Nokia today announced it will expand its Self-Organizing Networks (SON) technology across 5G networks operated by one of the world’s leading telecommunications carriers, Orange. The deal will cover all of Orange’s markets, starting with France and Spain. Nokia continues to offer widespread support for 2G, 3G and 4G spanning more than one million Orange radio cells in Europe, Middle East and Africa.

Nokia SON operates on top of any vendor’s radio technology, enabling Orange to optimize its live commercial networks regardless of who built them. As a key tool in the Nokia network management and optimization portfolio, SON offers Orange the power to automate radio network configuration and optimization processes, as well as improve network performance and efficiency to support the increasing demands of 5G.

Nokia SON lets Orange automate operations to realize the full potential of their existing 2G, 3G and 4G networks while also supporting the progressive deployment of 5G. Providing a centralized SON platform, it automates operations across multiple technologies, eliminating complexities from the multi-vendor and multi-layered networks naturally found across global operators. The extreme automation and artificial intelligence framework built into Nokia SON helps Orange affiliates provide better network quality with greater reliability and speed to their customers.

The deal is the latest example of Nokia’s continued investment, capability and focus on developing technology that supports the practicality of 5G network upgrades. Utilizing Nokia SON’s software development kit (SDK), Orange has been creating and sharing custom solutions to manage their unique network environments.

Arnaud Vamparys, Senior VP Radio Networks and 5G at Orange, said: “As a long-term partner, Nokia was a natural choice to help us automate our mobile networks in different geographies. The complexity of radio optimization is growing with 5G beamforming and Nokia’s flexible, automated and multi-vendor platform enables us to maintain our exemplary network quality and customer satisfaction in the 5G era.”

Mark Atkinson, Head of RAN at Nokia, said: “5G deployments and rollouts look much simpler on paper than they do in the real world. We appreciate and understand that our CSP customers have a technology stack that spans multiple vendors, which can lead to inefficiencies and complexity. Working with Orange and its global affiliates to optimize and simplify their multi-vendor networks is a challenge we relish and are proud to be part of.”

Näissä asioissa Nokia lienee aivan kärjessä. Orangelle Ericssonin valinta olisi aivan yhtä luontevaa, mutta ei taida löytyä tällä tasolla tarjottavaa?

16 tykkäystä

Robopostaus: niin joo 1750iä vain 4 kpl tänään

Update on Robots #2000 so far today in Helsinki Stock Exchange @ 10:56
133 out of 1788 transactions was 2000pcs events ~ 7,44 % of all transactions
(133x2000) out of 2,14m changed total shares ~ Minimum of 12,43% of total shares exchanged
(132x2000) out of 1,85m changed total shares, without morning auction ~ Minimum of 14,28% of total shares exchanged
This between 10:00 and 10:56 today, with avg price of 3,55

Päivitys, miten lie joutuu toimimaan, meneekö TAn mukana vai pyrkiikö panemaan hanttiin ettei rikottaisiin tukitasoja
Update on Robots #2000 so far today in Helsinki Stock Exchange @ 12:36
327 out of 3894 transactions was 2000pcs events ~ 8,4 % of all transactions
(327x2000) out of 4,63m changed total shares ~ Minimum of 14,12% of total shares exchanged
(326x2000) out of 4,34m changed total shares, without morning auction ~ Minimum of 15,03% of total shares exchanged
This between 10:00 and 12:36 today, with avg price of 3,56

päivitys ja osuus kasvaa
Update on Robots #2000 so far today in Helsinki Stock Exchange @ 14:05
663 out of 6907 transactions was 2000pcs events ~ 9,6 % of all transactions
(663x2000) out of 8,07m changed total shares ~ Minimum of 16,43% of total shares exchanged
(662x2000) out of 7,78m changed total shares, without morning auction ~ Minimum of 17,02% of total shares exchanged
This between 10:00 and 14:05 today, with avg price of 3,58

8 tykkäystä

Tässä Ericssonin vastaavaa mutta itse en kykene vertailemaan, vaan eri tietolähteistä arvioin eroja. Joku muu osaa kertoa tarkemmin omaa arviota?


Nokia has upgraded its cognitive self-organising network (SON) software to offer communication service providers zero-touch network automation for 5G

Brian McCann, Chief Product Officer of Nokia Software, said: “This cognitive upgrade to our Nokia SON solution massively reduces the need for manual work and technical expertise when optimising radio networks, allowing us to deliver our promise for a much more efficient and error-free process that will ultimately result in better network quality and reliability. It is a timely product and one that reinforces Nokia’s software innovation leadership.”


Telstra Australiasta ainakin ottanut käyttöön, ja nyt Orange tuo ison operaattorin preferenssin. Muita perässä? Näin tämä software -puoli alkaa keräilemään tuottoa “vaisuhkon” viime vuoden jäljiltä.

8 tykkäystä


Joint-Stock Company ER-Telecom Holding (branded “” and “ Business”) and Nokia signed an agreement and started testing of 5G networks’ capabilities in the “broadband for business” segment.

Earlier the State Commission for Radio Frequencies (SCRF) provided to ER-Telecom 4.8-4.99 GHz and 27 GHz radio frequencies bands for 5G testing. The company plans to test 5G in more than 50 pilot zones, including locations in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

High data rates enabled by 5G in high radio frequency bands serve as a foundation for broadband wireless access networks. New broadband wireless access services will become available in the areas where cabling is not feasible or when a fast time-to-market introduction of services is required.

5G enables a new customer experience with virtual reality applications, supports instant downloading of high-resolution videos and radically expands the capacity of broadband access networks.

The test will run on Nokia AirScale base stations renowned for unprecedented capacity and power efficiency, Nokia AirScale System Module, supporting up to 84 Gbps in maximum configuration, and mmWave active antenna, a current holder of the world record in 5G throughput for commercial devices (4.7 Gbps).

The project will last till March 31, 2021.

9 tykkäystä
7 tykkäystä

15 March 2021

Espoo, Finland – Nokia has today announced it will deploy industrial-grade Nokia Digital Automation Cloud 5G standalone (SA) private wireless networking at the University for Business and Technology (UBT) in Pristina, Kosovo.

10 tykkäystä

Kivasti julkaistaan saatuja soppareita ennen torstaita.

10 tykkäystä

Juu ja sitten vedetään nousut alas heikoilla pitkän ajan näkymillä :see_no_evil:

4 tykkäystä

Nokia today announced that it has signed an agreement with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to research and enable Cloud RAN (vRAN) and Open RAN technologies to support the development of new customer-focused 5G solutions. The collaboration, which will be conducted at Nokia’s facilities, aims to develop innovative proof of concepts (PoC) to explore and enable Cloud RAN and related technologies. Nokia is pursuing a strategy of collaborating with AWS to extend the reach of its Cloud RAN technologies in support of 5G deployments and the development of new use cases.

Näillä otsikoilla on voimaa… Meme tausta on kaikilla muistissa ja nyt kertaheitolla yhdistetään voittajien kanssa samoihin otsikoihin, ja epäilemättä noita otsikoita tulee riittämään. En henkilökohtaisesti lähtisi nyt laittamaan betsejä vastaan.


13 tykkäystä

Nokia partners with Microsoft on cloud solutions for enterprise

  • Nokia to integrate its Cloud RAN technology with Microsoft Azure
  • Nokia partnering with best-in-class cloud providers to leverage its Cloud RAN leadership and drive end-user 5G deployments.

15 March 2021

Espoo, Finland – Nokia today announced an agreement with Microsoft to develop new market-ready 4G and 5G private wireless use cases designed for enterprises. The collaboration will combine Nokia’s Cloud RAN (vRAN) technologies with Microsoft Azure cloud-based services and developer ecosystem to drive end-user functionality via new business cases. The initiative supports Nokia’s strategy of partnering with best-in-class public cloud providers to drive end-user business outcomes essential for monetizing 4G/5G deployments.

Tommi Uitto, President of Mobile Networks at Nokia, commented: “We are enthusiastic to work closely with Microsoft on this project that will harness Azure with our 5G radio network technology. Open collaboration is key to the development of new and innovative high-value 5G use cases that will equip our customers with the tools they need for digital transformation. This is part of Nokia’s continued commitment to leading an open mobile future, making it simple for our customers to take advantage of the 5G world helping to drive it forward.”

Yousef Khalidi, Corporate Vice President, Azure for Operators at Microsoft Corp. added: “Microsoft believes in the importance of an open and interoperable ecosystem of solutions on the Azure carrier grade platform. Our collaboration with Nokia across multiple potential use cases, based on specific customer demand, will provide operators with choices on how the best adopt cloud technology in concert with their 5G updates to drive new revenue streams, reduce cost and future proof their network investment.”

12 tykkäystä

Näytti tulevan kaikki pilvet samaan aikaan :wink:

tuolta voi katsella nätisti kaikkia uutisia (enemmän käytän kyllä valioliigan seuraamiseen tuota Newsnowtä :slight_smile:

11 tykkäystä

Tässä vielä nämä kaikki jos joku repii jotain uutta irti:


Cloud solutions & Open RAN (poislukien Microsoft Azure), mutta missä on Ericsson? Samassa kehityksessä kuitenkin mukana?

5 tykkäystä

Lundmark tykittää tänään kyllä press releaseja :grinning:
Pääomamarkkinapäivä lähenee!

6 tykkäystä