Nokia sijoituskohteena (Osa 2)

Tommi käynyt lukemassa…


7 tykkäystä

Google-käännös: … toimittaa 5G-verkkolaitteita, koska eteläkorealainen yritys asettaa itsensä haastajaksi televiestintälaitteiden liiketoiminnalle. Laitteisiin sisältyisi myös tuki avoimille rajapinnoille, jotka kutsutaan nimellä Open Radio Access Network (Open RAN), joiden tarkoituksena on vähentää riippuvuutta yhdestä myyjästä tekemällä kaikki tietoliikenneverkon osat yhteentoimiviksi.

4 tykkäystä

Relevantti pätkä tässä kohden:

Nokia is also a 5G equipment supplier to NTT, which had earlier used equipment developed by NEC and Samsung.

7 tykkäystä

Ristiriitaista tietoa löytyy eri lähteistä, viime kuussa The Mobile Network kirjoitti tällaista:

Nokia, which is a 5G network provider to NTT DoCoMo, and has been name-checked in previous Open RAN efforts by NTT DoCoMo, was not mentioned this time. Samsung, which was working with NEC and NTT DoCoMo on multi-vendor base station interoperability in September 2020, was also not mentioned in this Open RAN ecosystem release.

EDIT: Koska Samsung julkaisi uuden sopimuksen, pitää toivoa, että myös Nokialta saadaan pikapuoliin vastaava ilmoitus.

5 tykkäystä

Saksalainen päivittää…


Last Wednesday (March 17, 2021), the Bundespatentgericht (Federal Patent Court of Germany) invalidated Nokia’s EP1929826 on an “apparatus, method and computer program product to request a data rate increase based on ability to transmit at least one more selected data unit.”

2 tykkäystä

lähes koko päivän tilanne
Update on Robot #1750 so far today in Helsinki Stock Exchange @ 18:10
982 out of 14232 transactions was 1750pcs events ~ 6,9 % of all transactions
(982x1750) out of 15,48m changed total shares ~ Minimum of 11,1% of total shares exchanged
(982x1750) out of 15,01m changed total shares, without morning auction ~ Minimum of 11,45% of total shares exchanged
This between 10:00 and 18:10 today, with avg price of 3,43

Update on Robots #2000 so far today in Helsinki Stock Exchange @ 18:10
518 out of 14232 transactions was 2000pcs events ~ 3,64 % of all transactions
(518x2000) out of 15,48m changed total shares ~ Minimum of 6,69% of total shares exchanged
(516x2000) out of 15,01m changed total shares, without morning auction ~ Minimum of 6,88% of total shares exchanged
This between 10:00 and 18:10 today, with avg price of 3,43

Ja sulkihan se Millenium positionsa melkein kokonaan perjantaina, positiivisen alas meni % :open_mouth:

8 tykkäystä

Tämä on lähes aina myös operaattorista riippuvaista eli ilmoitusta ei tehdä ilman asiakkaan suostumusta. Se miten ja milloin kaupasta tiedotetaan on usein osa sopimusneuvotteluja. Mitä enemmän asiakas kehuu lehdistötiedotteessa, sitä enemmän on annettu alennusta🙂

16 tykkäystä

In an interview with Mobile World Live , Uitto said experience achieving spectral efficiency would give established players like Nokia the edge over specialists which, he conceded, may currently be technically superior on open RAN systems.

“Of course you would expect some of these new open RAN suppliers may be ahead of the rest of us,” he added, “but we can compete against them with feature richness, stability of performance and being carrier grade.”

“Spectrum is the most expensive asset to any operator, so they are unlikely to accept any technology that would be less spectrum efficient,” Uitto noted, pointing to this being an area where established players have a solid advantage.

“Sometimes there’s a discussion in open RAN that maybe less will do, and maybe that’s ok in some rural areas, but when the going gets tough and spectral efficiency is important, operators will not expect anything less.”

“Our open RAN strategy has been we would rather be part of it than fight against it,” he noted. “This is one topic where you just have to grab the bull by the horns and start working on it.”

14 tykkäystä

5g yhteyksien myyntiä tavallisille kuluttajille yritetään lisätä tiedottamisella Etelä-Koreassa.

The key to win­ning over con­sumers, Ms. Jeon says, is show­ing them how to in­cor­po­rate the tech­nol­ogy into their day-to-day life. But for now there isn’t that much to show. “Right now, what’s avail­able still falls short of tak­ing full ad­van-tage of 5G,” she says. So far, one of the big­gest dif­fer-ences be­tween 4G and 5G for con­sumers is the im-proved ex­pe­ri­ence in vir-tual-re­al­ity and aug­mented-re­al­ity apps be­cause of 5G’s much faster speed.

4 tykkäystä

Epäilyksen siemen yhdeltä maailman tunnetuimmista mobiiliverkkojen analysteistä… ja Tommi. Koolla on väliä.


20 tykkäystä

Ei uutta, eilistä uutista, mutta näillä otsikoilla (vaikka lienee SE tilalta tulisi olla SA) voi olla osansa myönteisen ilmapiirin saavuttamisessa osakkeen ympärillä.

3 tykkäystä

Tulee olemaan mielenkiintoista kuulla onko Erkin näkemys markkinan kasvusta ja kilpailutilanteessa samansuuntainen kuin Pekka & Co. esittivät Nokian CMD-tapahtumassa.

Mikäli esittävät vahvempia odotuksia markkinan kehityksestä, pitäisi tällä olla positiivinen vaikutus myös Nokian kurssiin!?

Ericsson shareholder dialogue 2021

March 26 at 15:30 PM CET

We welcome shareholders to join us for an on-line dialogue on March 26. The event will feature remarks from company representatives, including Chair of the Board of Directors Ronnie Leten and President and CEO Börje Ekholm, as well as a session for shareholders to ask questions.

4 tykkäystä

SE = Southeast tässä yhteydessä. Lienee eka kaupallisessa käytössä juu.

1 tykkäys

Okei, väärän sanan perään olin siis hapuilemassa… lieneekö väsymys painaa kun ei raksuta tänään :sweat_smile: :+1:

Sitten uutta softaa…

Nokia today announced the launch of Nokia Edge Automation, a new solution that removes the complexity of managing multiple cloud-based data centers by automating the process from a single platform. Nokia’s fully automated edge cloud solution drives operational efficiencies by enabling Communication Service Providers (CSPs) to simultaneously control infrastructure across numerous geographic locations. This includes remote site deployment, software updates, and maintenance. Automation is expected to save on CSP operating costs by approximately 30 percent.

Stéphane Teral, Chief Analyst at LightCounting Market Research, said: “With 5G, operators are increasingly having to deploy thousands of edge cloud sites to process the high volumes of data required to support the millions of 5G enabled devices and systems running over the network. This can create significant network complexity that can be challenging for operators to manage. Nokia’s edge automation solution eliminates this complexity and provides simultaneous, controlled life-cycle management across the hardware and cloud stack, helping operators to ultimately manage and lower network OPEX.”

Pasi Toivanen, Head of Edge Cloud at Nokia, commented: “As CSPs move into cloud-based operations the management of a large portfolio of cloud data centers becomes critical but without a strong solution in place it can quickly become unmanageable. That’s why we have launched Nokia Edge Automation which takes the complexity out of managing this infrastructure and simplifies the process.”

10 tykkäystä

Patenttikiistoja, Assia vs. KPN + Nokia.

4 tykkäystä

29 of top 30 mobile operator groups run Nokia base stations

In fact, we’re consistently winning business across the board: Nokia has won 22 wholly new customers in RAN over the last two years, and grown our RAN share in 20 incumbent accounts. This speaks to the excellent momentum we now enjoy, and in fact, out of the world’s 30 biggest mobile operator groups** measured by the number of subscribers, 29 run Nokia base stations.

21 tykkäystä

Kyllä rohkeaa, epäsuomalaista tekstiä Tommin blogissa, tuo kyllä lisää omaa varmuutta tähän hevoseen :v: :muscle:

14 tykkäystä

En yleensä näitä #Arschelingin postauksia jaa, mutta menkööt nyt kun ei ole kertaakaan Nokiaa mainittu niin että perässä failed hand-set manufacturer :boxing_glove: tai patent-troll :boxing_glove: :boxing_glove:

viimeinen osio

5 tykkäystä

Nokia today announced the completion of a trial with TV Azteca in Mexico that examined video transmission use cases using 5G standalone and edge computing. The trial explored latency reduction, as well as identifying improvements in efficiency, flexibility and cost.

The trial was carried out using 100 MHz spectrum in 3.5GHz frequency with Nokia 5G technology for core and radio access (RAN).


Nokia today announced it has signed a reseller agreement with ClearWorld, an alternative energy systems provider, to sell ClearWorld’s smart poles initially to U.S. cities and military bases as part of Nokia’s smart city solutions portfolio. Deployed in locations such as parks, parking lots and roadways, the ClearWorld connected digital pole supports applications such as video analytics, Wi-Fi access points, gun shot detection, smart lighting and license plate reading.

Larry Tittle, Founder/CEO of ClearWorld, said: “I’m excited about the tremendous value that we will be able to deliver to cities through our partnership with Nokia. This collaboration will enable us to provide communities with meaningful benefits such as real-time monitoring and crime detection, smart city lighting, and internet access for school children who are learning from home.”

Mike Allison, Head of Government and Cities at Nokia, said: “Many cities in the midst of smart city transformation realize that they need, a new, more cohesive approach to deploying the right mix of technologies that will enable them to achieve the full benefit of their initiatives. Partnering with ClearWorld strengthens Nokia’s strong track record of supporting smart city initiatives worldwide.”

5 tykkäystä

The turnaround program has delivered sterling results, with 70 major enhancements achieved across five principal domains of the business, and while this remains a work in progress we are fully confident of the road ahead. We’ve made gains in speed, agility, productivity and quality, built a high-performance culture, and have carefully renewed our top leadership team, to ensure we have the right technical knowledge and turnaround skills in place to maintain this trajectory.

We’ve moved from a waterfall model in operations to large-scale agile, incremental development, allowing us to dramatically increase productivity - so our software feature output is up 60 percent, and our R&D work has become much more predictable, with feature build accuracy up from 60 percent to 90 percent.

11 tykkäystä