Omnicar - korjaukset kotiovelle

Kurssi jatkaa perjantaina alkanutta nousua (1,9 → 2,3 = +21 %) jo kolmatta päivää ja syynä näyttää olevan heidän saamat erittäin hyvät arviot käyttäjiltä Tanskassa, jossa on tullut Googlen arvioiden kaltaisessa mittarissa lähinnä täysiä pisteitä.

4 tykkäystä

Ei oikeastaan mitään mullistavaa uutista. Kiva toki, että kommunikaatio vaikuttaisi olevan lisääntynyt johdon suunnalta.

3 tykkäystä

Omnicar: OmniCarService has signed agreements with online car dealer

Estimated yearly revenue of SEK 680.000

In the light of COVID-19, our sales team keeps having great success in signing agreements with exciting companies on the commercial side of our business.

The agreement with the newly signed car dealer is estimated to bring OmniCar SEK 680.000 in revenue per year.

As previously communicated, we are targeting rental- and leasing firms as well as larger fleet owners and we see a steady stream of new companies wanting to join our services. OmniCar will update the market accordingly as we make progress in signing new companies to our services.

Näitähän tupsahtelee ihan mukavaa tahtia

4 tykkäystä

8.2.2021 klo 10.54 · Cision

Omnicar: OmniCarService has signed agreements with a leasing company

Estimated yearly revenue of SEK 680.000

The sales team of OmniCar has during the beginning of 2021 had great success in signing agreements that are expected to bring OmniCar a steady revenue. The agreement with the newly signed leasing company is estimated to bring OmniCar SEK 680.000 in revenue per year.

We are seeing great results from our sales strategy and it is believed that we will keep doing so during 2021 regardless of COVID-19. As we keep onboarding new companies to our OmniCarService we notice an increased inquiry rate from interesting companies that want to work with us, we will update the market accordingly as we make progress in signing new companies to our services.

Yhteistyökumppaneita näyttää olevan melkein jonoksi asti :slight_smile: Parin viikon päästä saadaan uutta tietoa kehityksestä myös osavuosikatsauksen muodossa, vaikka auttamatta vanhentunutta tietoa se jo näillä sopimusmäärillä on.

Facebookin puolelta löytyi tällainenkin, josta ei välttämättä ole tullut erillistä uutista? Vaikuttaisi olevan käytettyjen autojen kauppias.

3 tykkäystä

Onko nuo eri soppareita tuo 3.2. julkaistu 680 kSEK ja tänään julkaistu 680 kSEK soppari? Ei ihmekään jos kurssi on +18 % tälle päivää jos näin on :slight_smile:

3 tykkäystä

15.2.2021 klo 10.55 · Cision

Omnicar: OmniCarService announces partnership with FDM, Denmark’s largest organization group for car owners, totaling 256.000 members

OmniCarService can with today’s press release announce that FDM has approved OmniCarService as a FDM partner, 256.000 members will be able to benefit from OmniCarService with special FDM terms. This essentially means the following:

Access to 256.000 FDM members which puts OmniCarService in the spotlight of acquiring new customers. The deal value could be significant as OmniCarService on a yearly basis charges around SEK 7.000 per car in the private market and around SEK 10.000 per car in the commercial market.

  • OmniCarService will be promoted to the members of FDM through newsletters with 150.000 recipients and through FDM’s app with more than 40.000 users.

  • FDM will highlight OmniCarService in their own magazine called `Motor’ which is Denmark’s biggest car magazine. It is distributed nine times per year and has approximately 400.000 readers.

  • Initially, FDM members residing in the geographical area that OmniCarService operates in can benefit from the services with special FDM terms.

Mikkel Lippman, CEO of OmniCarService comments on the new partnership:

`'We are very proud that FDM has decided to include OmniCarService in their partner program. FDM is by far the largest organization for car owners in Denmark, enabling us to reach a significant amount of car owners which is a very important milestone for OmniCarService. This agreement shows that our services are very much needed and that our short- and long-term objectives are within reach.

FDM is known for protecting the interests of car owners and work among other things for the abolition of the registration tax in Denmark, better road safety and environmental affairs. We see this as a great fit for OmniCarService and we are looking forward to a long and strong collaboration with FDM. `’

Claus T. Hansen


BOOM! ja kurssi yli 3SEK. Tämä selvästi paras uutinen noista aiemista marginaalisista kaupoista. Tuosta saa hyvää mainostusta. Tekisi melkein mieli lisätä aiemin kevennetyt takaisin :frowning:

5 tykkäystä

Hienoa hommaa ja tulokset toistaiseksi vasta periaatteessa Tanskasta. Jahka leviää vielä samaan malliin Norjaan, Ruotsiin ja Suomeen, niin tästä voisi hyvinkin tulla tenbäggeri :slight_smile: Ja sitten olisi vielä nuo naapurit Saksa ja Ranska (no melkein-naapuri)…

1 tykkäys

Omnicar: OmniCarService launches its third service truck - expands working hours and enters into new cities

OmniCarService is according to plan now launching its third service truck as demand keeps growing. New geographical areas will be entered and the decision has been made to extend the working hours in order to meet demand. The two trucks rolling the streets of Copenhagen are now at full or close to full capacity.

The new service truck will be operationel from 1. april 2020

With all the recent deals that OmniCarService has signed, the company will now commence its second phase of growth by launching a new service truck. The company is on track of having a total of five trucks on the streets of Denmark during 2021.

OmniCarService is already seeing growth in the average basket size per order and during the recent weeks we have seen levels that we were expecting to reach in the end of 2021 - however, its to early to say if we can maintain this high level over the next few month

It is believed that OmniCarService business-to-business (B2B) customers will start trading cars again after the COVID-19 lock down and that the COVID-19 lock down in Denmark will end soon which will increase volumes and will also bring an increased flow of signed agreements.

Claus T. Hansen


Ja neljä pv sen jälkeen kun kurssi lyö rikki 3SEK niin lyödäänkin jo rikki 4SEK. Ei kyllä haittaa istua kyydissä. :rocket: :sunglasses:

4 tykkäystä

Tästäkin huomenna tulossa tulos, en löytänyt tarkkaa aikaa mutta avanzalta löytyi linkki sentään ainakin huomiseen webcastiin, joka on klo 14 Suomen aikaa: Webinar "Præsentation af årsrapporten - OmniCar" - Ended.

Toivottavasti erittelevät paremmin juuri autopuolen kulurakennetta, niin saa tehtyä ennustelaskelmia oikein kunnolla. Tulopuolelta Omnicar onkin kertonut aika tarkalleen asiakkaat/pv, keskitilauksen koot yms yms.

26.2.2021 klo 8.00 · Cision

Omnicar Holding AB: Q4 2020 and year end report 2020

OmniCar Holding AB invites all investors to join a webcast about Q4 report today at 13.00 - Sign up here (Webinar "Præsentation af årsrapporten - OmniCar" - Ended) or at:

Dear shareholders

Today, I have the pleasure of submitting our Q4 2020 report and our annual result for 2020.

We introduced our new business segment `OmniCarService’ during the beginning of October 2020 and we are able to show activity from it in this Q4 report.

Compared to Q3 2020, our revenue in Q4 has increased with approximately 30%, from SEK 2.488 million to SEK 3.248 million.

During Q4 we have accounted for all development costs regarding the establishment of `OmniCarService’ which is reflected in the profit and loss calculation. The costs include van fitting and tools, lawyer costs, website optimization and development along with launch campaigns which is why we during the Q4 of 2020 post a loss of SEK 1.123 million before interest and tax. For the whole year of 2020 we have a profit of SEK 445.000 before interest and tax.

During December 2020, Denmark entered a COVID-19 lockdown and despite the closure of car dealers and a general halt in society, we managed to keep our momentum going.

Our reviews on Trustpilot and Autobutler are very positive and our work is paying off as we are beginning to see recurring customers. Moving forward and having 2021 in perspective we see that our SaaS-business is continuing to yield a quarterly revenue of SEK 2,0-2,5 million and we see no indication of this changing.

We expect that the revenue for `OmniCarService’ will surpass our SaaS-business revenue during the second half of 2021 and despite COVID-19 we still maintain our expectation and guidance for a total of SEK 25 million revenue on a yearly rolling basis during 2021. We have made an impact on the market in Denmark and it is safe to say that we have reached a proof-of-concept, our positive reviews on various platforms will fuel our growth and demand is expected to increase for our services. We have since October 2020 been able to show continued stability and growth on a monthly basis and in February, we have been able to maintain revenue levels from those seen during January. Despite the Danish car sales having a decline of 90% during the lockdown with almost zero business-to-business (B2B) interaction we are still able to grow our business which gives us tremendous confidence for the future.

For the rest of the year, our B2B pipeline is looking very solid and strong. Starting in April, our third van will be operational as well as having two additional mechanics joining our team, with this third van we will be able to deliver significant growth from April and onwards. We expect to launch our fourth van before July 2021 and our fifth van sometime during September 2021. With the current flow of strong B2B customers we are planning on launching an additional one or two vans to bring the total of vans to six or seven during 2021, which is an increase in number of vans compared to our 2021 guidance back in January.

To support further grow we will during the second quarter of 2021 launch a new website and invest in an IT infrastructure that can handle our current deal flow. We will also invest in self-service systems and marketing automation.

We currently have significant cash at hand to support our growth.

It is also believed that we during 2021 will see deals with large nationwide leasing companies.

Claus T. Hansen


Omasta mielestäni aika odotettu raportti. Ei voi mitenkään posariksi sanoa, joten jännä nähdä miten kurssi reagoi. 2021 näyttää pitkälti menevän toimintoja paranellessa ja korjausbisneksen laajenemisessa. Eli suunta on hyvä, mutta vielä vähän katsellaan miten tämä etenee.

edit vähän pureskeltua, kyllä ihan hyvältä kuitenkin suunta vaikuttaa. Hyvä todennäköisyys, että voi ylittää aikaisemmin ohjeistuksen, kun tuossa viitataan jo extra korjausautojen mahdollisuuteen. Tässä kuitenkaan tuskin tapahtuu mitään räjähtävää kasvua, joten suuria yllätyksiä en odottaisi. Pitää vähän miettiä miten paljon bisnes voi laajentua ja yrttää laskea tulevaisuuden näkymiä.

5 tykkäystä

2.3.2021 klo 10.30 · Cision

Omnicar: KPI February update from OmniCar - revenue (including service contract revenue) up 15% compared to January 2021

During the last weeks of February, we have seen levels above of those that we were expecting to reach in the end of 2021 - however, it is too early to say if we can maintain this high level over the next few month.

In addition to our normal business activities, during the month of February, our service agreements were made available to our customers on the private side and we managed to sell SEK 110.000 worth of service agreements in a short period of time. We will keep expanding and making our services available to a broader market as time passes.

The Danish government has eased the COVID-19 related lockdowns a bit and will continue to do so the upcoming weeks and months. We have a very strong pipeline going into March and we expect to improve all KPI:s during March.

KPI Milestones during February 2021:

  • Despite COVID-19 restrictions with 90% decline in car sales and a 50% decline in car service-related Google searches in Denmark, we managed to keep the average transaction/basket size at SEK 2.679 per customer during February 2021. During the last of week of February, the transaction/basket size peaked at SEK 4.030.

  • During February, the number of customers, per day, per mobile workshop amounted to 3,5. The corresponding number in January 2021 amounted to 3,5.

  • Advertising cost per acquired customer amounted to SEK 711.

  • Gross margin for the whole month of February amounted to 66%.

  • Revenue for February was up 15% (incl. service agreements sold) compared to January.

For further information, please contact

Claus T. Hansen


Mielenkiintoista, että pakumäärä on pysynyt samana, asiakkaat/pv on pysynyt samana, tilauskoko on laskenut (tammikuu 2853SEK vrt. helmikuu 2679SEK) mutta jotenkin he ovat saaneet nostettua liikevaihtoa 15% tammikuusta? Vai onkohan tuo 110,000SEK private side tuohon päälle ja sen avulla ollaan pinnistetty plussalle? E: Hups, lukikin jo tiedotteen otsikossa, että incl. service contract revenue.

Tammikuussa asiakkaan hankintakulut oli vain 483SEK vrt. helmikuun 711. Lähikuukausina nähdään varmasti, kumpi näistä on lähempänä totuutta, kk-tasolla vaihtelu on selvästi huimaa.

4 tykkäystä

Tanska alkanut keventää koronarajoituksia, niin satanee myös OmniCarin pussiin.

2 tykkäystä

Uusi asiakas Arval, tanskalainen leasing-autoilu yhtiö. Operoi 29 maassa ja leasattuja autoja vuonna 2019 oli 1 298 404

“Taloudelliset yksityiskohdat pidetään salaisina kaupallisista syistä”

EDIT: “One of the leading car leasing companies in the world with a worldwide portfolio of more than 3 million cars”

7 tykkäystä

Omnicar: OmniCarService signs an agreement with GranTurismo - a part of Interdan which is one of the largest importers of cars in Denmark.

OmniCarService (OCS) is pleased to announce that it has signed an agreement with GranTurismo, a company active in leasing high-end luxury cars to private consumers and companies.

GranTurismo is a part of Interdan which is one of the largest importers of cars in Denmark. Within the scope of this agreement, GranTurismo can promote and highlight OCS to their customers and will receive a commission for services done by OCS.

As COVID-19 restrictions are being eased in Denmark and car dealers are now being allowed to open up for business again, OCS has therefore been spending resources on activating the deals that have been signed during the lockdown, as well as continuing the discussions with interested parties that want to offer the OCS concept to their customers.

The company is pleased to have GranTurismo as a partner and it shows that OCS is in the right field of business where it can attract bigger B2B partners.

Mikkel Lippman, CEO of OmniCarService comments on the new partnership:

''By getting GranTurismo on-board, we are keen on entering into the high-end luxury vehicle space where we can expect a higher transaction size from these clients. GranTurismo is a great fit for us and we look forward to having a long and healthy relationship going forward.

We are continuously expanding and making our services available to new companies at a rapid pace.‘’

Claus T. Hansen


Pientä diiliä pukkaa taas. Ensi viikolla nähtäneen maaliskuun päivitys, jonka pitäisi antaa aika hyvää tietoa kevättalven diilien potentiaalista :thinking:

7 tykkäystä

Omnicar: KPI March update from OmniCar - A record-setting month, revenue up 63% compared to February

KPI milestones during March:

Despite the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions in Denmark, we are pleased to present an all-time high KPI report.

  • Revenue for March was up 63% compared to February.

Average transaction/basket size amounted to SEK 3.195 per customer during March. The corresponding number in February amounted to SEK 2.679.

During March, the number of customers, per day, per mobile workshop amounted to 4. The corresponding number in February amounted to 3,5.

Advertising cost per acquired customer amounted to SEK 777 during March, the corresponding number in February amounted to SEK 711.

  • Gross margin for the whole month of March amounted to 66%, the corresponding number in February amounted to 66%.

For April we expect revenue numbers to exceed those seen in March - April is a month with a significant number of bank holidays, leaving us with 18 workdays. Due to a solid pipeline in April, we are expecting the month to perform better than our record-setting numbers in March.

Claus T. Hansen


No hyvältähän ne kevättalven diilit näyttää ja huhtikuussa vielä parempi liikevaihto vähemmillä työpäivillä. :slight_smile:

6 tykkäystä

Omnicar: OmniCarService expands its operations and moves to new location

OmniCarService (OCS) is pleased to announce that we will order our fourth van and it will be operational from 1. June 2021. Aprils bookings are showing great tractions and we are confident that a fourth van can be fully utilized from now on and going forward.

At the same time, we are pleased to announce that we now will offer our customers windscreen replacement and windscreen crack repair. Our new van will be fitted with this capacity

We are also moving our Danish operation to a new location in Rødovre from 1. of May. Here we have storage facilities, and this will give each van one more hour on the street each day.

In all, we are on track with our goal of reaching SEK kr. 25 mill year end on a monthly rolling basis for Omnicar

Claus T. Hansen


Olen lisäksi seuraillut käyttäjäarvioita näistä osoitteista Bedømmelser af bilværksteder Omnicarservice 3 - Bilservice hjemme hos dig, på arbejdet eller et helt tredje sted & Anmeldelser af | Læs kundernes anmeldelser af Positiivisten käyttäjäkokemusten määrä on yhä nousu-uralla. Loppupeleissä asiakkaiden tyytyväisyys on keskiössä ja se näyttää oikein hyvältä.

8 tykkäystä

Otin pienen lisäyksen 3sek paikkeilla. Katellaan jääkö lyhyeen vai pitkään pitoon.

Katselin diat, kun en kielestä mitään ymmärrä.

Tuo tyytyväisyys palveluun on kyllä vakuttavaa. Itselläni on kyllä mennyt hermo monen korjaamon toimintaan.

2 tykkäystä


Iltapäivän hintapomppu selittynee oheisella Avanzalta löytyneellä viestillä. Dagens börs on näköjään ruotsalainen finanssilehti, jonka analyytikko on iskenyt Omnicarille 7 kruunun tavoitehinnan. Osake näyttää hänen mielestään hyvältä teknisesti ja fundamentaaleiltaan.

Löytyi koko analyysikin ilmaiseksi, CASE: Omnicar fundamentalt & tekniskt stark - Dagens Börs. Eipä siellä erityistä lisäinfoa irtoa, muuten kuin hyvin näyttäisi menevän!

6 tykkäystä

Omnicar: KPI april uppdatering från OmniCar - Ännu en rekordbrytande månad, omsättningen ökade med 20% under april månad jämfört med mars månad

Aika kova suoritus! Maaliskuun numerot oli jo sen verran hyvät, että ajattelin aika samoille jäävän huhtikuun osalta, mutta tulikin 20% kasvua. Tekninen analyysi näyttää Twitterin mukaan myös suosiolliselta, kun kurssi kääntyi eilen nousuun trendikanavan alalaidasta. Kesäkuun alussa lähtee jo 4. paku kiertelemään tanskanmaata :slight_smile:

8 tykkäystä

Samaisessa lehdessä jossa aiemmat 7kr analyysitkin olleet ni näyttäis olleen tänään myös toimitusjohtajan haastattelu, tässäkään ei paljoa mitään uutta, hieman kerrotaan tulevien vuosien tavoitteista: INTERVJUN: Claus T. Hansen (VD) OmniCar - Dagens Börs.

2 tykkäystä