Kiinnostava tuore haastattelu aiheesta ” The Future of Vision Care: How Ophthalmic Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing Eye Health” (Dr. James Tsai, president of the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai and system chair of ophthalmology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai).
Tsai kertoo, että diabeettisen retinopatian seulonta AI:llä on jo käytössä Mount Sinain klinikoilla, ilmeisesti kutakuinkin koko klinikkaverkoston laajuisesti.
Optomed Aurora AEYE:lle saadun FDA-luvan tiedotteesta saksittua:
Tsontcho A. Ianchulev, MD, MPH, professor of ophthalmology at New York Eye and Ear of Mount Sinai and board member of AEYE Health, said, “This is perhaps the most exciting FDA clearance I’ve seen in the recent years. Such meaningful and impactful innovation – not only on the technology and clinical care front, but also for population health. A simple click without dilation right when you visit your primary care doctor, at the pharmacy or even at home, can instantly inform you about diabetic retinopathy. This can streamline care, reduce patient burden, and ultimately ensure exponential access to essential sight-saving service. Earlier systems have struggled because of efficacy, throughput, imageability, portability and need for dilation but we see a major leap forward technologically with this holy grail system that really has it all.”
Vuodelta 2023 julkaistusta jutusta;
Dr. Tsai will grow and expand the Center with two Co-Directors, Louis Pasquale, MD, Chair of Ophthalmology at The Mount Sinai Hospital and Director of the Mount Sinai – NYEE Eye and Vision Research Institute, and Alon Harris, PhD, Vice Chair of International Research and Academic Affairs at Icahn Mount Sinai.
This Center will research and implement validated AI models across three initial areas: Mount Sinai’s tele-retina program, ophthalmology tele-consult program, and eye stroke service.
In Mount Sinai’s tele-retina program, primary care physicians use high-quality portable digital cameras to capture retinal images during annual patient exams. Images are then uploaded to a secure technology platform, where NYEE retinal specialists access and read them and provide timely diagnoses. The implementation of validated AI software for these retinal images in the coming years could provide onsite interpretations of these scans, appropriate immediate patient referrals, and risk calculations for heart disease and stroke.
AEYE:n hallituksessa on jo siis Mount Sinain professori, joka FDA-tiedotteessa hekumoi Optomedin FDA-luvasta. Vuoden 2023 jutussa kerrottiin jo kannettavalla kameralla otettavista kuvista. Vaikea kuvitella, että Mount Sinaissa olisi joku muu kuin AEYE Healthin AI, ja siksi lienee todennäköistä, että myös Aurora AEYE on tuo kannettava kamera, josta jutussa puhutaan. Bingolappuun voinee siis vetää toisen varman rastin UMASS:in lisäksi.