Quantafuel - muovinkierrätystä Norjasta

Pieniä yhtiöuutisia:


Today, Oscar Spieler has given notice that he will step down from Quantafuel’s Board of Directors to avoid any potential conflict of interest as he is dedicating more time on a new green investment company/fund where he will be one of the founders.


Quantafuel strengthens its position in the UK by acquiring the remaining 50% of the shares in Quantafuel UK, as well as the project companies in Sunderland and Cheshire.

Quantafuel ASA has reached an agreement with strategic partner Midas Group AS to acquire the remaining 50% of the shares in Quantafuel UK Ltd, Quantafuel Sunderland Limited and Quantafuel Cheshire Limited. Following the agreement, Quantafuel ASA owns 100% of the three UK companies.

The transaction value is to be paid in cash or shares at Quantafuel’s discretion, split in three performance-based tranches related to Proof-of-Concept in Skive and the establishment of new UK plants, with a total value of up to NOK 51.5 million. The agreement has been completed following historic agreements with the parties. Any consideration shares will be issued under Quantafuel ASA board’s current authority to increase the share capital. Further, Midas retains an option to participate in the two first Quantafuel plants in the UK with up to 5%, and Quantafuel retains the option to employ Midas Group in a consulting function.

Vieläköhän saataisiin Skiven proof of conceptista onnistunut lopputiedote vai meneeköhän ensi vuoden puolelle :crossed_fingers:

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PoC etenee pienin askelin. Jotain teknisiä ongelmia, mutta muuten ilmeisesti odotusten mukaisesti:


Quantafuel ASA | Skive continues its progress towards Proof-of-Concept
Quantafuel can today report that two out of the four lines at its Skive plant have produced at a load and performance level qualifying for Proof-of-Concept. Both lines have operated stably at design capacity before the runs were cut short by mechanical failures in the feeding systems.

Our experience from the past few weeks shows that the last remaining identified process challenges have been resolved by installation of the new equipment during the turnaround. We expect to resume production shortly following inspection and repair.

“We are confident that our targeted PoC will be reached shortly and I am pleased to see that our second line which has never been in operations so far is capable of producing at the same, high load as the first line did during December. The recent developments after the turnaround are looking promising despite a few, but not unusual, start-up challenges,” says Quantafuel’s CEO Lars Rosenløv.

All four lines in Skive are identical, and PoC is linked to running one of these lines with post-consumer plastic waste at high load with high availability for a prolonged duration, producing a liquid acceptable for our offtake partner. As communicated, PoC is an important step in our production ramp-up towards full production that we target to reach in Q4 2022.

“We have had some really positive developments at Skive and I am satisfied with the new equipment that has been installed. We are now working on fine-tuning and minor adjustments to take us where we need to be. The Skive-team is doing great and we are all excited about the coming days and weeks,” says Quantafuel’s COO Terje Eiken.

The 2022 target for Skive is processing of 12,000 tonnes of plastics, ending the year at a 20,000 tonnes per year run rate as communicated previously. The forecasted CAPEX of NOK 610 million remains unchanged.

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Tämäkin uutinen tulkittiin markkinoilla negatiivisesti, vaikka uutinen oli sinänsä positiivinen, mutta yhtiöllä on ollut tapana lupailla enemmän mihin sitten kumminkaan yltävät, niin kävi nytkin.
Uskoa kyllä löytyy vielä itseltä, toivottavasti en osoittaudu hyväuskoiseksi hölmöksi.

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Negatiivistahan tuossa oli se, että aikaisemmin luvattiin, että PoC on valmis vuoden 2021 loppuun mennessä, mutta nyt se on vieläkin työn alla. Itse kiinnitin huomiota siihen, että ongelmia oli tuottanut itse linjaston sijaan tuo feeding system (syöttöjärjestelmä suomeksi?), mihin tuo @TO1 linkkaama kommentti antoikin vahvistuksen eli tekninen ongelma liittyi muuhun kuin varsinaisen linjaston toimintaan. Mukava väliulostulos, mutta jos tuo PoC saadaan vaikka viikon sisällä maaliin, niin olisiko tuon voinut jättää välitiedotteena julkaisematta. No ainakin ovat avoimia ja itse jään odottamaan varsinaisen PoCin valmistumista.

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PoC tulee ilmeisesti kun on onnistuttu ajamaan laitosta 14 päivää. Syöttölaitteiden korjauksen jälkeen tuotanto ajettu ylös 12.1 joten PoC saattaisi hyvällä tuurilla tulla parin kolmen päivän sisällä. Tänään oli alennusmyynnissä joten lisäsin.

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Yhtiöllä suunnattu anti viime yönä ja tiedotteen yhteydessä lisätietoa PoCista. Tuon perusteella hommaa saa vielä odottaa, vaikka uusia yllätyksiä ei ole tullut:


The ramp-up of production at the Skive plant continues to progress, and two of four lines have operated at design capacity proving that the last remaining identified process challenges have been resolved. The production lines also delivered the oil yield and quality expected indicating the chemical process is functioning according to plan. The plant has limited redundancy, so the Company still need to stabilize operation and produce for a longer time-period to deliver on its plan for Proof-of-Concept. Last week (the w/c 17 January 2022), the Company converted more than 100 MT of waste plastic to valuable product, and the Company’s opinion is that they are well on track to reach the 12,000 MT target for the full year 2022. The forecasted CAPEX of NOK 610 million remains unchanged.

Osakeanti vietiin myös onnistuneesti loppuun:


The Company is pleased to announce that the Private Placement has been successfully completed, raising NOK 400 million in gross proceeds to the Company through allocation of 16,000,000 new shares at an offer price of NOK 25.00 per share.

Ja ainakin johtokunnan Kasper Trebbienillä on luottoa yhtiöön. Myös pari muuta lisäsi omistustaan annista:


KIRKBI Invest A/S, a company closely related to the board member Kasper Trebbien, was yesterday allocated 4,000,000 shares in Quantafuel ASA at a price of NOK 25.00 per share. After the transaction, KIRKBI Invest A/S holds 17,888,880 shares in Quantafuel ASA.

Thorleif Enger, member of Quantafuel ASA’s board of directors, was yesterday allocated 20,000 shares in Quantafuel ASA through Thoeng AS at a price of NOK 25.00 per share. After the transaction, Thorleif Enger and affiliates holds 159,300 shares and 80,000 options in Quantafuel ASA.

Lars Rosenløv Jensen, CEO in Quantafuel ASA, was yesterday allocated 20,000 shares in Quantafuel ASA at a price of NOK 25.00 per share. After the transaction, Lars Rosenløv Jensen holds 20,800 shares and 400,000 options in Quantafuel ASA.

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Ainakin itselle jäi epäselväksi tämä hyvin epämääräiseen aikaan tehty anti. Onko jossain kuitenkin ongelma kun tarvitaan lisää rahaa? Vai onko tässä tehty joku diili että päälliköille annetaan vielä mahdollisuus ostaa halvalla osakkeita ennen kuin hinta ampuu sfääreihin?

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Antia koskevan tiedotteen mukaanhan nuo rahat menee etenkin Esbjergiin tehtävään investointiin, mutta myös muihin tehtaisiin. Esbjergistä oli kai jotain 12.1.2022 presentaatiosta (en nyt muista mitä). Eli ihan liiketoimintaa menee, että saadaan projektit etenemään. Olen ymmärtänyt, että kunhan Skive saadaan kuntoon, niin tuota voidaan sitten monistaa ainakin joltain osin muuallekin, joten tehtaiden ylösajo olisi nopeampaa. Voidaanhan tämä myös nähdä, että halutaan kiihdyttää projektien eteenpäin viemistä, kun kysyntää ja tarvetta Quantafuelin tehtaille olisi. Ohessa joka tapauksessa kohta tiedotteesta:

The Company will use the net proceeds from the Private Placement for additional growth projects. The announced investment in the Esbjerg sorting plant will consume the majority of the proceeds (in accordance with the presentation dated 12 January 2022). In addition, the Company is expected to use a portion of the proceeds for initial investments in the plastic-to-liquid plants in Dubai and UK, as well as for general corporate purposes.

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Itseä alkanut mietityttämään asioiden laita Quantafuelissa, lupaillaan mutta koskaan ei tahdota päästä lupauksiin.(ostin lisää annin jälkeen)

Tässä vähä viimeaikaisia asioita ja teorioita, ehkä jopa salaliitto🙄

-iso omistaja( kjetil bøhn) myy osakkeita samalla kun, odotetaan, yhtiön lupailemaa PoCin varmistamista.

-Annin ajankohdasta päätellen voisi kuvitella ettei PoC ole heti varmistumassa, muuten varmasti olisi kannattanut odottaa, jotta saataisiin parempi hinta.

-Tuotantoa saatu kumminkin käyntiin (myytyä myös jo ihan kohtuullisesti) ja ajettu 90% kapasiteetilla, en ole oikein ymmärtänyt, ilmeisesti tämä 90% on hetkittäinen, mikä mahtaa olla %osuus koko kapasiteetista???

-Suunnattuanti merkittiin isojen puolesta nopeasti täyteen(luulisi näiden tietävän jotain)

-Laajentumis suunnitelmat hyvin käynnissä

Onko nämä tai muut kysymykset herättäneet muissa ajatuksia??

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Nordea ilmeisesti aloittanut seurannan suosituksella MYY ja tavoitehinta 18 NOK. Investorissa ei ainakaan vielä näkynyt rapsaa.

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18 NOK on aika paljon antihinnan 25 NOK alapuolella… Onko kellään tiedossa yhtään melko ajantasaista analyytikkojen raporttia Quantafuelista?

Fit Investment Ideas 26.1. sähköpostista otettua:

Fearnley (current) - 95 NOK

Pareto: (21/3/21) - 100 NOK

SpareBank (26/3/21) - 200 NOK

Arctic: (9/3/21) - 125 NOK

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Yhtiöltä tiedotetta Esbjergistä ja Skivestä:


Quantafuel is progressing as planned with its Esbjerg development in Denmark and is happy to announce that an agreement has been signed with Eggersmann, a leading supplier of waste treatment plants. The contract includes engineering and secures Quantafuel a firm manufacturing slot, which secures our schedule.

The Esbjerg sorting facility will be operational the second half of 2023 and will be the major Danish hub for plastic waste sorting and significantly contribute to the EU and national recycling targets and reduce incineration, lowering CO2 emission.


For the past two weeks in January, Skive has processed more than 200 MT of plastic waste, operating two lines. During this time, the two lines achieved uptime of 69% at an average load of 79%. Six shipments have already been sent to our partner BASF this year.

“These are achievements that should not go unnoticed. The volumes and figures we see today, speak for themselves. The new equipment functions as engineered and expected, and the remaining two lines are planned to be ready for operations during the second quarter,” says Quantafuel’s CEO Lars Rosenløv.

Stabilising the operation and removing root causes to achieve higher uptime is ongoing and our main priority. If we experience a trip or maintenance issue, we must resolve these quickly to avoid loss of heat in the system. If not, a reheating period is needed before re-introducing the plastic feed. These reheating periods have impacted the uptime and caused the Proof of Concept (PoC) timer to be restarted.

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Muistatko ulkoa paljonko se PoC aika olikaan (1kk?) ja sen uptime vaatimukset? Eli jos nyt on aloitettu alusta niin milloin voisi olla PoC valmiina jos homma toimii tällä kertaa?

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En löytänyt suoraa vastausta, mutta yhdestä tiedotteesta voisi veikata kolmen viikon ajanjaksoa, jos lähdetään kylmiltään liikkeelle:


We are now starting hot commissioning, followed by feeding of plastics in mid-December and the targeted Proof-of-Concept (PoC) around year end.

Eli tiedote annettu 8.12., viikko aloituksesta muovin syöttö ja kaksi viikkoa itse linjaston toimintaa.

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Quantafuel’s plant in Skive, Denmark, has experienced a mechanical failure in the burner chamber of one of the production lines. As a safety precaution, we have closed down all production for the time being, until root cause is identified and rectified.

Quantafuel has started an investigation into the failure, which occurred on Saturday evening. There were no personal injuries, neither any hazardous substances released to the environment. Danish authorities have been informed, but do not see a need for their participation.

Quantafuel continues to work towards finding and rectifying the root cause of the failure. We will revert to the market with further details, including expected production downtime.

Additional technical details:
Each of the four lines has a reactor consisting of a burner chamber and a rotating inner part. The burner chamber is heated up by a gas burner and the hot flue gas from the burner chamber heats the inner part of the reactor, where plastics pyrolysis takes place. Hence, the pyrolysis gas and the flue gas are physically separated and cannot be mixed due to the reactors’ design.

Nyt ei kuulosta hyvältä

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Nordeakaan ei tykkää…

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