Smartin tiedotteiden perässä on aina vakioteksti, joka on pysynyt pitkään lähes samana. Esim toukokuulta 2021:
“Smart Eye’s solutions are used around the world by more than 800 partners and customers, including the US Air Force, NASA, BMW, Lockheed Martin, Audi, Boeing, Volvo, GM, and Harvard University.” Näistä Harvard tullut uutena tänä vuonna.
Tämä heinäkuulta 2018: “Its solutions are used by more than 700 clients all over the world by leading research groups, brands and labs such as US Air Force, Nasa, BMW, Lockheed Martin, Audi, Boeing, Volvo, GM, and many more.”
Texas Instruments (C6x)
-DSP - Digital Signal Processing?
accelerators / vectorization units (NEON, ASIMD, SSE, various NPUs, GPUs, etc.)
Here the important parts are Accelerators (eg HW accelerators),
NPU neural processing Unit this is where you program your Neural Network in software which boots up a chip and programs it to run a NN on Hardware.
Those are difficult skills to pick up and they will make huge differences to the speed relative to software running on PC/Arm etc.
SEE picked up a lot of senior Xylinx staff many years ago, that is how we pulled ahead. Hopefully, Affectiva may have some relevant developers, but they could have depended on the Tier 1.
Those pesky research cameras get everywhere. It will be even more confusing when Affectiva is measuring the adverts for car companies, or have other car connections
Yhtiön johtokuntaan kuuluvan Thomas Ulbrichin mukaan itseohjautuvuuspalvelun kaltaiset ominaisuudet tulisivat asiakkaiden käyttöön vuoden 2022 toisella neljänneksellä.
SAE level 4-5 kuulostaa melko haastavalta tuohon. DMS pitäisi olla leveleillä 3-4 pakollisena…
SAE level 5 vaatii puolestaan OMS pakollisena ja ensimmäiset premium-autot nöhtäneen vasta 2025-2026 kamerateknologian osalta… tutkia kyllä on jo käytössä.
Varovainen johtopäätös: DMS vaaditaan kyllä oletettavasti VW edustajan kuvaamiin ”kaltaisiin ominaisuuksiin”. Hands off/level3 driving näyttäisi todennäköisimmältä. Olettaisin että isoja nominationeja tulee ensi vuoteen mennessä.
Mutta suunnitelmissa on ehdottomasti driver monitoring:
“In just a few years, every new vehicle will be expected to have AI assistants for voice, gesture and facial recognition as well as augmented reality,” Huang said. “Volkswagen’s work with NVIDIA DRIVE IX technology will make that a reality.
Laitan VW:n omissa papereissani nyt kysymysmerkillä tuonne Cerence-winnien laatikkoon. Ei siis 100% varmaksi, mutta “on syytä epäillä”.
Toinen iso kala lähikuukausina on lienee Toyota. Sekä Toyota että VW ovat kummatkin noin 10% automotivesta.
Toki on hyvä muistaa että nämä ovat niin isoja OEM, että dual sourcing on varma juttu.
Ulbrich said the first subscription features will appear in Q2 2022 on vehicles based on Volkswagen’s MEB platform, which underpins its new ID.3 compact car and ID.4 crossover.
Colin näyttää tässä artikkelissa antavan vähän tavallista enemmän krediittiä Smartille. Toyotan hän uskoo menevän Seeingille, mutta myöntää itsekin tämän olevan spekulointia.
Mersuun liittyen yksi kohta jäi askarruttamaan: “there are probably two independent driver monitoring systems present here”. Siis kaksi erillistä DMS-järjestelmää? Onko tämä jotain dual sourcingia, vai mistä mahtaa olla kyse? Pahoittelen, jos kyselen tyhmiä.
Update on how our acquisition is going: It has been so fantastic to see how well this news has been received. Our automotive clients and partners are excited for the advanced Interior Sensing platform that we will deliver by joining forces. Most of the companies in Affectiva’s ecosystem reached out to us with heartfelt congratulations and renewed hope for all that we can achieve.
As I have mentioned, all Affectiva employees will become part of the Smart Eye company and we are all excited to continue working on amazing AI based technologies and look forward to the professional growth opportunities this merger offers.
Last but certainly not least, the news really resonated with media and we got some great coverage both in Sweden and the US, in tech, AI, business and automotive press.
I can’t wait to see the amazing things we will build together as we create a global #AI powerhouse💪
2022 X3 faceliftissa, ainakin tässä videolla olevassa, on DMS kamera mukana. Mielenkiintoista seurata yleistyykö nämä faceliftien myötä. Aikaisemmin DMS on ollut harvinaisempi näky X3:ssa
Toivotaan että myös bemarilla tulisi 2022 mallistoon lisää näitä… jopa vakiona
Lisäys: taitaa olla vielä lisävaruste
With BMW Live Cockpit Plus as standard and intelligent networking including innovative digital services based on BMW Operating System 7, the BMW X3 now offers particularly close interaction between driver and vehicle. BMW Live Cockpit Plus includes the iDrive operating system with a Control Display which is now at least 10.25 inches in size and a Touch Controller, as well as an instrument cluster in Black Panel look with a 5.1-inch colour display at the centre. As an optional extra, BMW Live Cockpit Professional offers a fully digital display network: the high-resolution instrument cluster behind the steering wheel and the Control Display each have a screen diagonal of 12.3 inches.
Tietääkseni Affectiva on ainut joka tarjoaa tuota EMOTIONSia.
In this DRIVE Labs episode, NVIDIA experts demonstrate how DRIVE IX perceives driver attention, activity, emotion, behaviour, posture, speech, gesture and mood with a variety of detection capabilities.
In addition to driver focus, a separate DNN can determine a driver’s emotions — a key indicator of their ability to safely operate the vehicle. Taking in data from the base face-detect and fiducial-point networks, DRIVE IX can classify a driver’s state as happy, surprised, neutral, disgusted or angry.
It can also tell if the driver is squinting or screaming, indicating their level of visibility or alertness and state of mind.
On the 22nd, Hyundai Motor Company held a conference call for ‘Announcement of EV (Electric Vehicle) Strategy for the First Quarter of 2021’ and said, “We plan to sell 160,000 units of 8 different electric vehicles this year, and set a goal to expand sales to 560,000 units of 12 EV models in 2025.”