Voxtur Analytics VXTR (entinen I Look About) TSXV - kiinteistödatan disruptio?

Lisää turinaa AOL:stä. Maksumuurin takana itse juttu.

20 tykkäystä

Jimbo on kirjoittanut aika hyvän ja laajan artikkelin Voxturin palveluista. Tai siis sanellut, joku hemmo kirjoitti…

Ja tarkennuksena vielä, että tämä artikkeli ja foorumi on kuluttajille suunnattu. Uutta sekin. 8M käyttäjää ko sivustolla omien mainostensa mukaan.

36 tykkäystä

Regarding the Auditor Resignation:

Known: Marcum LLP resigned
Known: Marcum LLP gave no reason
Known: Marcum LLP was sanctioned by CPAB
Known: Marcum was explicitly prevented in the order that they cannot take on new ‘risky’ clients (risky is not defined).
Known: Marcum LLP had two audits checked (technically the audit was audited) and this caused CAPB to issue their order

Known: Marcum LLP is not licensed in some provinces
Known: Marcum LLP has not performed a completed audit on Voxtur

From this people can insinuate and surmise.

Insinuation: Voxtur is singled out as a sole bad apple and they are the cause of Marcum LLP’s issues as they resigned without giving reasons. Therefore the reasons for the resignation are problems with Voxtur - not Marcum LLP.

Insinuation: There were two audits that were conducted and that Voxtur was one of the bad audits which caused Marcum LLPs issues and why Marcum LLP resigned

Summary of Insinuations: Voxtur is the cause of Marcum LLPs problems and they were one of the audits that was audited by CPAB that was the reason for the order

Rebuttal of the Insinuations:

  1. Voxtur has not been audited yet - how could they then be one of the reviewed audits? Answer: They can’t be one of the reviewed audits.
  2. Auditors typically give reasons for a resignation - but that is when they resign when the problem resides with the client - not with the Auditor as is the case here.


  1. They DID NOT HAVE A LICENSE IN ONTARIO. If they are not licensed then they must cease doing audits in the regions where they are not licensed. The CPAB does not have to make this statement explicitly - as it is, im my opinion, understood that a audit firm cannot do audits if they are not licensed. Therefore they MUST RESIGN as they are NOT LICENSED. This is to be understood and need not be stated explicitly.

1a) The letter of resignations typically deal with causes that are focused on the client being audited - not on the auditor itself. Given that - the easiest course is to simply give no reason at all.

1b) There was some chatter about KPMG resigning. When an auditor is replaced they must resign. And they must state if there are any issues with the client - or no issues.

  1. There is no evidence in any way, shape or form that any issue resides with Voxtur. All evidence and REASONABLE interpretation of the evidence points to the issue being 100% and issue of Marcum LLP.

Ok - that deals with the information that is available regarding what HAS HAPPENED.

Going forward speculation:

There has been speculation that it will take 6 months to get an audit done.
I think this is fear mongering - I am all for reasonable criticisms and informed reasons for a long-delay - but in this instance it is simply not reasonable to assume this.

Here are the reasons why I think it will take materially less time than 6 months and COULD BE done in a MUCH SHORTER time than that:

  1. This is not Voxtur’s first audit
  2. They have a VERY EXPERIENCED CFO - who was a former partner at KPMG
  3. Their previous auditor was KPMG. This is a VERY CRITICAL part of the reasoning for why I think they will have a shorter time to get an audit done:
    — They are coming from a big 4 Accounting firm. Which means there processes and systems will be very robust.
    — The Audit really only audits the Balance sheet at a given point in time. This Balance sheet is built on testing the veracity of the inputs such as revenue recognition, timing of expenses, pricing of assets and liabilities.
    — The processes and systems are checked with a variety of methods - typically by random samples. If these prove to be robust in the first sampling then they typically do not need to check another sample. This shortens the time
    — Much of the previous assumptions will not have to be changed as they were likely properly done and handled with conservative assumptions. This too will shorten the time
    — Given that KPMG was the previous auditor there is a lot of veracity given to the previous audits and numbers.

So in short the processes, systems, assumptions and previous auditor will make the current audit easier to conduct.

For this reason too - there will likely be a good number of auditors that would likely want to take on Voxtur on as a client.

And given that there was already a lot of work done on the audit - there may well be a reasonable amount of work that can be relied upon. And if not completely relied upon at least the ability to gather and retest the information is readily at hand.

Other criticisms that I think are spurious:

Marcum is a bad audit firm - I think that is not a fair assessment they are mid-sized US firm. And seemingly well-regarded.

They got rid of KPMG because they wanted an easier audit. This too is, in my opinion, a spurious argument. There is a right-size audit firm to be with. Voxtur is too small for a Big 4 Audit firm - they don’t get the right amount of servicing. I think that the size of Marcum LLP was a good match. I suspect that the new Audit firm will share characteristics of a Marcum LLP: Mid-sized, national, recognizable brand audit firm.

Again, I am all for criticisms of Voxtur - I have many myself but they should at least be grounded in reality and not always about looking at everything as a nefarious conspiracy from management.

62 tykkäystä

Big Thanks Colin for your thoughts about it, very appreciated!

3 tykkäystä

@Perttu_Hamalainen nice find.

Here is the company:

Here is the page that contains the link to the document:

Here is the link to the document from the website:

4 tykkäystä

This was already confirmed by Jordan this Monday, that it was not.

Q: Are you aware or can you confirm or decline that was Voxtur one of these two companies that the CPAB conducted the inspection mentioned in their announcement?

A: This was not Voxtur

Jordan Ross
Chief Investment Officer

@Perttu_Hamalainen has also asked Gary if they could still release Q4 numbers:


Question about the audition process popped into my mind. Since the Q results have been unaudited earlier, why would the resigning of Auditor have an effect on the timetable of Q4-2022 ? The results for the whole year have to naturally be audited.

In my opinion the shareholders have every right to know company´s financial status. Regarding the press release from Voxtur there is no excuse not to give them.


Perttu Hämäläinen

Gary: "Good question. I will check in to that.

@Colin_Fisher Care to comment on that, is there any reason why Voxtur could/should not give out unaudited Q4 numbers?

And one more question. We have found out that ServiceMac has taken BW MSR-X trading platform in use. Since ServiceMac is owned by First American it is utterly interesting. Do you have any idea or a good guess what they use it for. MSR-X valuation, whole loans or for what?

13 tykkäystä

Thanks for the great input. Just to clarify, based on linkedin, their CFO is a former manager at KPMG, not partner. There’s a big difference between a partner and a manager in big4’s.

4 tykkäystä

@sukkana I put the process of determining that Voxtur was not one of the two audits as a function of the information that is readily available and part of the internal logic of the documented report.

Since they have NOT been audited by Marcum LLP then they CANNOT be one of the two audits that were reviewed. I did not need a response from Jordan to ascertain that - it is self-evident and need not have any more information in order to come to that conclusion.

Q4 numbers are actually a part of the AFS - Audited Financial Statements.
The AFS is audited - that’s it - there is not ability to put out un-audited financials for the AFS.

16 tykkäystä

Thanks for the input, Colin. How about the loan covenants; do you know whether the delay in releasing the audited financial statements mean that, in effect, Voxtur will again breach the covenant agreement? I would assume so, as the covenant compliance is nearly always dependent on the audited financial statements. However, I’d guess that, if needed, a waiver could be renegotiated in a pretty straight-forward manner as this is a timing issue, not an actual breach of the covenant conditions.

3 tykkäystä

@o11 banks dont rely on Audited financial Statements
If they did they would only get one data point a year - as firms are only audited once a year.

Banks receive information from firms to whom they have loaned money on an ongoing basis

As per the last earnings call the covenant breach had been cured.

13 tykkäystä

Itse mietin, että mitenköhän Voxturin kassa kestää? Jos/kun sakannut asunto ja kiinteistökauppa hidastaa liiketoimintaa, niin kassavirtapositiivisuuden saavuttaminen voi myöhästyä. Yrityslainat ovat varmasti kallistuneet varsinkin korkean riskin yrityksillä ja anti tällä osakkeen hinnalla aiheuttaisi todella merkittävää diluutiota.

2 tykkäystä

That’s true, not necessarily, but at least here in Finland debt covenants generally have pretty standardised so called ”positive covenants” pertaining to the financial statements and related assurance in addition to the actual financial covenants.

For example, often used covenant clauses stipulate that ”financials must be reported on time per local reporting standards”, or ”the financials must be audited on defined intervals”, or ”the company should ensure accounting practices are in accordance with the local GAAP” and so on. These positive covenant conditions are separate from the actual number-based financial covenant conditions. But I guess these kind of conditions would not then be included in Voxtur’s covenant terms.

2 tykkäystä

Ei kai toi pääomakevyt bisnesmalli kauheesti kassaa polta? Kassaakin jo melkein parikytä miltsiä. Reilu satakunta 112? työntekijää (vois joskus Nordnetinkin tilastot päivittyä, edelleen näyttää 45 työntekijöiden määräksi) ja kuitenkin pääomakevyttä bisnestä kuitenkin kyseessä. Kaikille myös vinkiksi, että älkää yksinään luottako mihinkään lukuihin suoraan esim. Yahoo Finance sivuilta vaan tarkistakaa mieluummin muutamasta eri lähteestä ja vielä firman sivuilta.

2 tykkäystä

Stock is basically free. Why insiders are not loading it? @Colin_Fisher

16 tykkäystä

Mutta manageri tekeekin jotain tarkastuksiin liittyvää, eikä vaan käy asiakkaiden kanssa illallisilla ja laita nimeä soppareihin. :wink:

Onko jollakulla tietoa että minkä tason sisäpiiriostot pitää ylipäätään raportoida ja millä aikataululla TSXVssä? Koskeeko raportointivelvollisuus vain C-tason henkilöitä ja duunarit voi ostaa huoletta koska haluaa?

4 tykkäystä

Itse luulen, että ovat kassan kanssa aika tiukoille Q2:n loppuun asti, sen jälkeen alkaa liiketoiminnoista tulla enemmän rahaa kassaan. Toivottavasti saavat luvan antaa guidancen loppuvuodelle 2023 jossain vaiheessa kun kirjanpitoepäselvyydet hoidetaan alta pois. Muuten tulee turhaa sähinää kun luvut eivät ihan yksi yhteen mene uuden kirjanpitäjän kanssa. Guidance siis tärkeä saada ulos.

2 tykkäystä

Ihan mutuilua, mutta jos nyt sisäpiiriläinen tekisi yhtään isomman oston ja vaikka siitä ei tarvisi mitään numeroa tehdä niin voxtur tekisi tässä tilanteessa silti. Ei se ainakaan firmaa hyödytä että kurssi matelee pohjamudissa ja tuollainen tiedote auttaa asiaan edes jollakin tavalla. Toisaalta voihan se olla niinkin että kassa on kunnossa ja firma takoo voittoa tällä hetkellä niin lyhyen aikavälin kurssi ei sisäpiiriä kiinnosta tällä hetkellä koska tietävät että homma rockaa

7 tykkäystä

also a summary copied from the canadian forum regarding the paywalled gary interview:

This is an summary of the interview Gary did with MCE posted on the mce chatboard. It was sent to me by an MCE member but not the member who wrote this summary. Someone with Inderes account please post this to that forum too. I expect there will be some good discussions there about it. Here is it: My notes with main points from the recent interview with Gary:
-RPTA in Ontario to be approved in the next max 5 weeks → approx. 300k per month profit + potential for growth in the future
-Fannie Title waiver only for about 10% of the market place–> not too much impact on AOL, possibly low-price AOL offering for that segment, project already developed
-gaining market share in valuation business; a number of requests from different entities to buy anow
-individual values of Voxtur’s business units surpass current market value
-sales and transactions are picking up again; back to profitability with valuation BU; default work on valuation side expected
-title and escrow two sides: 1) technology to enable defaults and foreclosures, 2) 30 major banks signed up for AOL
-less than a year ago 200 defaults a month now 800
-BW: MSRs, whole loans, non qualified mortgages, scratch and dent; all dependent on banks
-rates doubling in December caused a pause in the MSR market due to uncertainties in evaluating MSRs, starting to come back
-all top three servicers are BW clients
-Freedom sold BU with 1million a month in revenue–>Freedom to return in May
-BW issues: disposed BU of Freedom can’t use BW because of a clause in the sale; first 5 months since acquisition losing money/barely break-even; cost 600k per month; one of the bigger BW competitors (non-technology) went bust–>potential for new business
-interest from top three servicers in API integration with BW
-much demand for each BU
-in case of panic–>break up company and sell individual BUs
-effectively break-even/making a little bit of money at the moment
-by fall 1000 AOL transactions per month expected; AOL integration not an issue; by year-end significant revenue is expected
-done with acquisitions
-raising money: short term would help the balance sheet–>not a lot to be raised if at all; or strategic investor–>larger amount with institutional backing
-no raise expected/actively pursued at the moment
-Voxtur can be cash-flow positive in the current economic environment
-biggest obstacle is time for execution
-how much time can Voxtur afford before profitability: over last 3 months reduction in manpower by over 30%; -cost reduction by 1.5 million per month
-over entire 2023 good profitability is expected
-between cash and working capital approx. 20 mil in cash
-at the moment finishing a technology offering project with major bank -->300k a month, mostly profit
-4th quarter should be more of the same from 3Q
-Angela Little leaving–>more independence from Law-firm
-COO brought in by Jim–>increase profitability in title/escrow and valuations; Jim reduced compensation to allow COO to come on board
-virtual presentation day maybe in summer in the market needed
-up-listing: TSX for sure–>early summer; NASDAQ if market improves but definitely a goal given the large US operations
-no regrets on acquisitions
-Voxtur-Wealth: on halt until profitability is sufficient to bear the cost

39 tykkäystä

Elikkäs Kanadan foorumia lueskeltuani bluewater menetti suurimman asiakkaan voxturin ostettua sen… siksi Q4 ei nähdä ilmeisesti kasvua liikevaihdossa mikä olikin jo tiedossa. Eli bluewater on ainoastaan näiden uusien asiakkaiden varassa, mutta onneksi niitä tuntuu olevan ihan kivasti

14 tykkäystä