Xplora Technologies - lasten älykelloja Norjasta

The target of 500.000 sold units 2021 might be a little short, q3 is on point with school-start, plus a bit more. Yesterday they tried a campaign of selling xplora Xgo2 for free and selling them with mobile subscribtion(inkluding them to the 100k subs milestone annonced last week) and it took off. Sold the 1000 units within 3 hours. It was also record setting numbers of number of app-downloads yesterday, and it’s still going.

The Q2 figures(second worst quarter of the year bear in mind) is being presented wednesday next week, but the interesting part will be going forward, not the q2. Q2 estimate of 105mnok revenue and -5mnok ebitda. The big quarter for xplora is Q4, but right now q3 is massive as well.

Another thing for the Goplay platform is the corporate deal Xplora made early this summer.

If you have heard of activity or sustainability programs within corporations, the goal for Xplora is to be a provider of that service. “step count reward” through GoPlay, so that your employees can within their company compete for being the most active employee/department/region etc., with either xplora rewards or their own prices etc. The platform will be further developed to provide such 3rd party licensing. In return they see themself as a healthy company trying to make employees active.

Here is more detailes to that deal made:

“The 1-year B2B (business to business) licensing agreement for the Goplay activity platform has options for extensions and opens for expansion into a B2B2C (B2B to consumer) agreement, offering significant upside given the customer’s major end consumer base.”

Täällä on ilmeisesti se penaalin ei-terävin kynä. Avaatko hieman tuota laajaa tietovuotoa? Miten tämä on suurempi riski käyttäjälle kuin vaikkapa Microsoftin tuote käyttöjärjestelmänä/IE:n selain?

Kaikki järjestelmät saadaan murrettua, toiset helpommin ja toiset vaikeamman kautta. Se että kenellä on intressejä breikata “lasten” kellot on eri asia.

Tätä aihetta oli käsitelty muun muassa aiemmin linkkaamassani UCL:n tutkijoiden popularisoidussa artikkelissa, joten otan sieltä pari lainausta:

In a recent report, we looked at the security risks associated with wearable devices, as well as “smart toys” that can record children in their homes. We found a concerning lack of security – especially for devices aimed at children – which lack even the most basic cybersecurity precautions, leaving them open to abuse.

Additionally, flaws in some smart watches’ accompanying apps have raised serious safety concerns. Security researchers have found they could not only easily access children’s historical route data – like their path to and from school – and monitor their geolocation in real time, but they could also speak directly to the child, through the watch, without the call being reported in the parent’s app.

En ole missään nimessä tarkoittanut sanoa, että tietovuodon riski olisi Xploran (tai minkään muunkaan lapsille suunnattujen tuotteiden valmistajan) tuotteilla lähtökohtaisesti suurempi kuin minkään muunkaan brändin tuotteilla. Olen tarkoittanut sanoa, että kun jonkin elektroniikkavalmistajan pääasiallisena kohderyhmänä ovat lapset, joka lainsäädännöllisestä (ja toivottavasti myös inhimillisestä) näkökulmasta katsottuna on ryhmä, joka tarvitsee erityistä suojelua ja jonka tasapainoista kehitystä tulee kaikin tavoin tukea, ovat tällaiset spesifisti lapsiin kohdistuvat tietovuodot siten vakavampia, koska niiden seuraukset vaarantavat lapsen tasapainoisen kehityksen monin eri tavoin (samaa kritiikkiä tietysti on esitetty lasten älylaitteista yleisesti ilman tietovuotojakin, esim. edellä mainitussa artikkelissa).

Minäkään en ymmärrä niitä ihmisiä tai ryhmiä, joilla on intressejä murtautua lasten älykelloihin, mutta valitettavasti tällaisiakin maailmassa on.


Tällä viittasin lähinnä siihen, että jos/kun kello on tiiviisti lapsen mukana, liittyy sen käyttöön helposti monenlaista – myös erityisen arkaluonteista – dataa, ellei käyttöä valvota asianmukaisesti.

Varmaan tän kaltainen uhkakuva takaraivossa.

En oikein ymmärrä tätä jäljitys hommaa kun jos joku lapsen kaappaa niin kait se viskaa ranteesta jäljittimen ensimmäisenä pois?

Tuossakaan ei tarina kerro oliko WLAN auki, minkä kautta pääsi verkkoon ja laitteisiin. Ja johtopäätös => “Ellen sanoo, etteivät he enää käytä Nestin kamerallista itkuhälytintä.”

Mutta edelleen ei laitteet / käyttöjärjestelmät ole “tyhmiä”, jos käyttäjä tai vaikka ne lapsen vanhemmat on Darvinin evoluution alempaa polvea, on turha syyttä tekniikkaa.

Näitä vaan pulpahtelee esiin aina uudestaan, vaikka 2000-lukua on menty pari dekaadia, elämä on…

Menee offtopic, niin lopetan tähän.

1 tykkäys

2 days to reporting. Sparebank1Markets has base case of 60 NOK(+35%) and bull-case of over 100 NOK…

They screamed buy after the updated sales figures last time, and the numbers are even greater now during Q3 vs forecast.

Q2 results extreme growth. Second weakest quarter of the year. 75% of revenue comes from q3 and q4.

4 tykkäystä

Some of you discussed security around the product, and you can see Xplora has this as one of their top priorities.

Xplora Pay, Xplora Arcade and Xplora Connectivity are ready to be implemented by the tech developing team, but they are waiting to complete security.

“We have prepared our platform for greater
scalability within both end consumer value
proposition as well as B2B and B2B2C verticals.
Furthermore, we have overcome several
achievements and Due Diligence processes to
get our platform «Fintech ready» which require
an even higher level of security, documentation,
and processes. All completed in Q2 and ready
to go into quality assurance (QA) and launch in

Please see the right side of this presentation slide.

At the same slide you can observe that Xplora Finland has reached a “breakthrough point” of their business.

1 tykkäys

Kun perheen esikoistyttäret aloittivat koulun, he eivät pyynnöistään huolimatta saaneet kännyköitä. Siinä ei kuitenkaan ollut kyse nuukailusta.

– En halua lapsilleni vielä kännyköitä, koska niillä pääsee nettiin ja voi pelata pelejä. Sen sijaan ostimme heille kellopuhelimet, joilla voi seurata lasten sijaintia, ja he saavat yhteyden tarvittaviin ihmisiin. Se on ihan mahtava keksintö!

4 tykkäystä

Awesome! The great thing about this market as a whole is that watches on kids advertises itself because it sticks out. Their parents talk about their childs safety, bedtime and playtime etc., a natural part will be to talk about their safety watch to be more active and stay safe. Just watch the Norwegian(and partly german) market, it’s gone nuts and it’s just because the products has been present there the longest(2-3 years). Finland is one of these markets which is becoming more and more aware of these, and the turning point for these early-developers will be from q3-q4 because the volume will be so high going forward to Q4 that the talks of these smart watches will increase significantly after this year.

The CEO talked about competitors yesterday, and he said that there is no competitors today that competes with the dept Xplora brings to the product and software, and if it comes there is plenty room for more players. When the 3 big features pay, arcade, connectivity comes within one month, then there is huge dept in these products from xplora, and it will be hard to deal with a first-mover like Xplora because it takes time to develop an organisation with the size that the company has grown into with around 100 employees divided into telecom provider, tech developing team etc.

You asked how Xplora make money out of selling products for the activity-rewared coins in the Goplay Store.

In the Q2 report, on the very last page they explain a very cool and exiting development of the GoPlay Coins-rewarding platform. The size and traffic has grown into such a great scale that they have made commercial deals to promote products on the GoPlay platform in return they sell the products for free. Pure marketing trade.

“As result of growth in our user base and high
engagement level we secured the company’s
first partner agreements to our ad-networking
model. Third party brands provide products
and services to our Goplay store in exchange
for marketing distribution value on our platform.
This is a traditional advertising model where
partners see marketing value in our traffic and
are willing to pay for exposure and distribution
through product offerings.”

3 tykkäystä

Thanks. This platforms part of the case is starting to arouse my attention. Still feels a bit odd that my kid has atm over 1000 coins after 1 month of usage and for example with 5000 coins you can buy Apple air pods. Certainly a way to spark up curiousity over the platform. It’s becoming clear that it’s not just about smart-watch hardware.

1 tykkäys

Great that you see it! I am solely invested due to the platform and software that they are buidling. You can now get Airpods Pro, Haircut, headlight, GoPro, things for the kid- all for free, just by being active and even for adults use xplora products like the activity tracker Xmove. A lot of this have recently been put there, so it’s a fast developing platform.

Just imagine a conversation between anyone- “No you see, I got my airpods for free” - whaat? How did you do that? I just walked and eventually I got it for free by Xplora, they have lots of thing on their site. Guess what the other person will do… nearly throw xplora x5 after the kid or buy Xmove to themself lol.

What happens when the software becomes recognized and sizeable so they can licence their platform to other companies to engage employees with their own smartwatches? With either xplora or their own reward system with all the platform has to offer- leaderboards, application, coins, rewards? High return of equity.

And what happens when Xplora within a couple of months introduces the Premium payed model with Arcade(for gaming), Xplora Pay(Teach value of money and small savingsaccount for activity based rewards given by the parent for kids).

The engagement level is key, and the software will grow very fast if they succeed to engage people. That is why the rewards has to be great.

Mielestäni erittäin mielenkiintoinen tutkimus, vaikka ei suoraan olekkaan älykelloihin.

58% tärkein syy hankkia lapselle puhelin on yhteydenpito tuon tutkimuksen mukaan. Eli älykellot voivat hyvinkin olla suosittu tuote tuolta kannalta.

Hinta vaikuttaisi olevan myös oleellinen tekijä puhelinta valitessa, en tiedä onko hinta tarpeeksi iso tekijä tosin että tämmöisen rannekkeen hankkisi. Hinta taitaa olla kuitenkin samaa luokkaa halvinten puhelimien kanssa.

Google trends. Eiköhän tässä ole oltava mukana Q3 loppuun ja sitten harkittava mitä tehdään.


Laitetaan vielä kuva miten paljon askelia noilla kelloilla on otettu.

My bad. Managed to enter x4 not 4. But there is more interest for the x5 than the 4 right now. x5 is a much more popular search in Germany, Switzerland and Hungary than in the nordics.

The last picture you have screened does not get updated.

1 tykkäys

Ainakin omassa tuttava piirissä xploran kellot ovat kyllä suosittuja, mutta kellon mukana tuleva liittymä ylihintainen. suurin osa tutuista on vaihtanut xploran mukana tulevan liittymän halvempaan.

Kun xploran oma liittymä maksaa 11.99€/kk niin esim Telialta sain vastaavat lasten xploran kelloihin hintaan 3.90€/kk

Asiakaspalvelu toimii vain sähköpostin kautta ja liittymän lopetus viestiin vastaaminen kesti 10 päivää

kello on kyllä ollut hyvä hankinta!

2 tykkäystä

That’s why the premium subscription that launches soon will be important for users to choose xplora as telecom service as well. You get more value choosing the xplora sub going forward.

In my opinion there is a difficult balance between extreme growth expanding into 15 different countries internationally and have the staff to manage the costumer experience. This quarter xplora might sell 70-110 000 units, it takes a lot of growth in staff as well(and they are doing so).

Last week I saw on linkedin that they hired just exactly what you addressed for Finland, due to lot of interest in their products…

  • This offering was done fast, and is no longer to be seen on Linkedin.
3 tykkäystä

Voitko linkata mikä liittymä kyseessä Telialta?