ZignSec ”Identify Anyone, Anywhere”

Yhdessä viikossa tämä osake +100% ja vielä kunnon vaihdolla. Se joka osti 0.35 tasolla miljoona osaketta on tehnyt kivan tilin - toivottavasti pohjat on nähty! :euro:

7 tykkäystä

Toivotaan, että Notonin ennalta nauhoitettuja sessioita interaktiivisempi.

ZignSec wants to inform its shareholders and other interested parties that a video presentation, with Q&A, will be broadcast at 4:00 pm CEST on April 30, 2024.

The presentation will be led by the ZignSec Group CEO Glenn Mac Donald.

The purpose is to present the Annual Report 2023 to all shareholders, as well as providing an opportunity to ask questions to the company.

To access the presentation and submit your questions, please use the following link time: https://www.finwire.tv/webcast/zignsec/2023-2/.

Tulihan se sieltä. Antia pukkaa!

ZignSec AB (publ) carries out a rights issue of shares of approximately SEK 33.5 million secured to approximately 75%

The Board of Directors of ZignSec AB (publ) (“ZignSec” or the “Company”) has today, on 29 April 2024, with the support of the authorization from the Annual General Meeting held on 30 May 2023, resolved to carry out a rights issue of a maximum of 134 069 970 shares of approximately SEK 33.5 million before issue costs (the “Rights Issue”). The subscription price amounts to SEK 0.25 per share. In connection with the Rights Issue, the Company has received subscription commitments from members of the board, management and larger shareholders of approximately SEK 10.6 million, corresponding to approximately 31.8 percent of the Rights Issue. Furthermore, the Company has received underwriting commitments of approximately SEK 14.5 million, corresponding to approximately 43.2 percent of the Rights Issue. The Rights Issue is therefore secured to approximately SEK 25.1 million, corresponding in total to approximately 75 percent of the Rights Issue. The underwriting commitments are not secured by bank guarantees, escrow funds, pledges or similar arrangements. The net proceeds from the Rights Issue are primarily intended to be used for technology development, sales and marketing, as well as working capital for new customer projects.

The Company also expects that the strengthened financial position, combined with increased market demand, will have a positive impact on discussions and negotiations related to the previously communicated strategic review.

Background and motives
ZignSec is a RegTech group that provides a comprehensive KYB/KYC and compliance platform. The platform offers solutions used by companies to optimize their onboarding processes for both corporate customers and consumers while ensuring regulatory compliance in the ever-changing environment of regulatory requirements, both locally and globally, including customer due diligence and anti-money laundering measures. ZignSec is currently focusing on developing a focused set of standardized solutions tailored to the specific needs of industries such as financial services, acquiring banks, gaming companies, and other highly regulated areas related to digital B2C and B2B services.

The motive for the Rights Issue is to strengthen ZignSec’s market presence and position the Company for continued growth, particularly in Europe, Latin America, and the Asia-Pacific region. To support this process, the company intends to significantly upgrade its technical capacity by enhancing core products and technical platform, investing in its global sales team, increasing its digital marketing efforts, and undertaking further investment in technology and development to enhance and renew the company’s core products and technical platform. Furthermore, the strengthened financial position is expected to have a positive impact on the current strategic review being conducted by the Company.

Use of proceeds
Upon full subscription in the Rights Issue, the Company will receive initial net proceeds of approximately SEK 28 million (after issue costs). The net proceeds are intended to be used for the following purposes:

• Technology and development
• Sales and marketing
• Working capital for the development of new customer projects
• Operating expenses and other general costs

Terms and conditions of the Rights Issue
The Board of Directors of ZignSec has today on 29 April 2024, based on the authorization from the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 30 June 2024, decided to implement the Rights Issue in accordance with the following main conditions:

  • The Rights Issue comprises a maximum of 134 069 970 new shares in the Company.
  • Any person, who on the record date of 15 May 2024 is registered in the share register kept by Euroclear Sweden AB, has preferential rights to subscribe for shares in the Rights Issue. One (1) existing share held on the record date entitles to one (1) subscription right. Two (2) subscription rights entitle the holder to subscribe for three (3) shares.
  • The subscription price in the Rights Issue amounts to SEK 0.25 per share.
  • The Rights Issue corresponds to a valuation of ZignSec (pre-money) of approximately SEK 22.3 million.
  • The last day of trading in the Company’s share including the right to receive subscription rights is 13 May 2024 and the first day of trading excluding the right to receive subscription rights is 14 May 2024.
  • The subscription period in the Rights Issue will run from and including 17 May 2024 until and including 31 May 2024.
  • Trading in subscription rights will take place on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market from and including 17 May 2024 until and including 28 May 2024.
  • Trading in BTA (Paid Subscribed Shares) will take place on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market from and including 17 May 2024 until the Rights Issue is registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office, which is expected to take place around week 25, 2024.
  • ZignSec has received subscription and underwriting commitments of approximately SEK 25.1 million, corresponding to approximately 75 percent of the Rights Issue.
  • Upon full subscription of shares in the Rights Issue, the Company will receive approximately SEK 33.5 million, before deduction of issue costs, which are estimated to amount to approximately SEK 5.5 million, of which the underwriting compensation amounts to approximately SEK 2.2 million.
  • ZignSec expects to announce the outcome of the Rights Issue around 5 June 2024.

Subription and underwriting commitments
ZignSec has received subscription commitments of approximately 10.6 million SEK, corresponding to approximately 31.8 percent of the Rights Issue, from board members, management, and existing shareholders. No compensation is provided for these subscription commitments. In addition, the Company has received underwriting commitments from existing and external investors, including Jinderman & Partners (www.jinderman.se) of approximately 14.5 million SEK, corresponding to approximately 43.2 percent of the Rights Issue. Thus, the Company has received subscription commitments and underwriting commitments totaling approximately 25.1 million SEK, corresponding to approximately 75 percent of the Rights Issue.

For the underwriting commitments, a cash compensation of fifteen (15) percent of the guaranteed amount is provided. The underwriting commitments are not secured by bank guarantees, escrow funds, pledges, or similar, thus there is a risk that the commitments, in whole or in part, may not be fulfilled.

Share capital and number of shares
Upon full subscription in the Rights Issue, the number of shares in the Company will increase by 134 069 970 shares from 89 379 981 to 223 449 951 and the share capital will increase by approximately SEK 5 313 204,689 from approximately SEK 3 542 136,498 to approximately SEK 8 855 341,187, corresponding to a dilution effect of approximately 60 percent.

The full terms and conditions of the Rights Issue and other information about the Company will be set out in the prospectus which will be published before the commencement of the subscription period. The prospectus and subscription form will be made available on the Company’s website: www.zignsec.com.

Bridge loan
To ensure financing needs until the Rights Issue is completed, the Company is exploring the alternative on obtaining a short bridge loan from existing shareholders of up to 4 million SEK at market terms. A potential bridge loan will be settled after the completion of the Rights Issue.

Corpura Fondkommission AB (www.corpura.se) is acting as financial advisor and Eversheds Sutherland Advokatbyrå is acting as legal advisor to ZignSec in connection with the Rights Issue. Aqurat Fondkommission AB is acting as issuing agent.

Tämä tietenkin paljon parempi uutinen (29.4.2024)

The Board of Directors of ZignSec AB (publ) initiates a review of strategic alternatives to maximize shareholder value.

ZignSec AB (publ) (“ZignSec” or the “Company”), a leading compliance platform across KYC, KYB and AML, today announces that its Board of Directors has initiated a process to evaluate ZignSec’s potential strategic alternatives to maximize value for shareholders. As part of the process, the Board intends to consider a full range of strategic alternatives, which could include a sale of the Company or other possible transactions. Over the past year, the Company has received interest from corporations and private equity firms regarding the exploration of strategic opportunities, including an acquisition of the Company. This interest coincides with ongoing trends of consolidation and heightened deal activity within the industry.

The Board of Directors has retained PJT Partners, a premier, global advisory-focused investment bank, as a financial advisor and to assist in its review of strategic alternatives. Eversheds Sutherland Advokatbyrå AB has been appointed as legal advisor in connection with the review process.

The Board of Directors has not set a timetable for completion of its review. There can be no assurance regarding the results or outcome of ZignSec’s review of strategic alternatives. Subject to compliance with its ongoing disclosure obligations pursuant to applicable laws and regulations, ZignSec undertakes no obligation to make any further announcements regarding the exploration of strategic alternatives unless and until final decisions are made by the Company’s Board of Directors.

About PJT Partners

PJT Partners is a premier, global advisory-focused investment bank. PJT Partners provides best-in-class expertise in strategic advisory, restructuring & special situations, capital markets and fund advisory integrated to better serve clients. The company is a global platform with +1,000 employees across 12 offices and has $890 billion+ M&A deals announced since its inception in 2015. To learn more about PJT Partners, please visit the website at www.pjtpartners.com.

Jaahas heti kun kurssi hieman on alkanut nousemaan, niin johto sössii taas senkin massiivisella annilla ja vieläpä alemmalla hinnalla kuin mitä osake oli ennen nousun alkua. Todella taidokasta omistaja-arvon luontia :ok_hand. No jos yhtiö ostetaan pois, niin pääseepähän eroon mitättömäksi kutistuneesta (alunperinkin pienestä) positiosta ilman välityskuluja.

3 tykkäystä

En tiedä jos kuvailisin yhtiön toimia sössimisenä, vaikka ZignSecin kurssi onkin valunut kupla-tasoilta alas alelaariin.

Luulen, että osakekurssi on viime aikoina herännyt henkiin yhtiön uuden investor relations -strategian ansiosta (hyvistä uutisista on tiedoitettu ja toimitusjohtaja avasi näkymiä julkisesti). Todennäköisesti tieto PJT:n kiinnostuksesta ja uudesta annista oli myös vuotanut markkinoille (viime aikojen isoja blokkeja on vaikea selittää millään muulla).

Nyt yhtiöllä on kuitenkin loistava paikka tehdä pitkä-aikaisille omistajille tuottoa. Jotta yritys voidaan myydä hyvään hintaan sen kassassa on oltava vähintään 12kk burnia vastaavat kassavarat, eli on omistajien etu osallistua. Kyseinen anti on osa isompaa suunnitelmaa ja veikkaan, että se maksaa itsensä takaisin hyvin nopeasti.

Annin hinta heijastaa alkuvuoden osakekurssia, koska sitä on varmasti valmisteltu jo kuukausia. Hinnalla ei tietenkään ole merkitystä jos osallistuu antiin - päinvastoin, omistusosuus saattaa jopa kasvaa jos merkintäoikeuksia jää käyttämättä! Itse olen täysillä mukana.

Huom. PJT Partners oli aikaisemmin osa Blackstonea. Tuskin he käyttäisivät aikaa ZignSecin kokoiseen yhtiöön elleivät näkisi siinä merkittävää potentiaalia.

2 tykkäystä

Vuosikertomus julkistettu (30.4.2024)

Webcast: ZignSec - Annual Report 2023 - Finwire

ZignSec AB (publ) hereby publishes the annual report for the financial year 2023. The annual report is attached to this press release and is now available to download on the company’s website www.zignsec.com.

https://storage.mfn.se/f92d988e-88fd-47be-9f4e-367a9f00c27f/annual-report-2023.pdf → raportti

1 tykkäys

Olipas vuosikertomus surullista luettavaa. 85MSEK liikevaihdolla 98MSEK tappio.

Mistä se koostuu? Palkkakulut vähenivät, kun työntekjiät vähenivät. Ulkoiset kulut pienenivät hieman, kun luultavasti pilvipalveluiden (käyttöön perustuvat) kulut pienenivät. Loogista. Silmään pisti Aineettomat ja aineelliset poistot.

Mistä ne koostuvat? Tämä ei ole välttämättä (tai yleensä) tililtä lähtevää kulua, vaan poistot, joita voidaan laskea vuosittain kuluna taseeseen pienentämään mahdollisia veroja. Tässä on laskettu hankittujen assettien nopeita 3-5 vuoden kestäviä poistoja.

Vuoden lopussa käteinen ja käteiseksi laskettavat varat ovat n. 2kk kuluja vastaavan verran. Huh.

Sivulta 39 löytyy kirsikka. Vai ehkä sitruuna?

The Board has initiated a process to evaluate ZignSec’s potential strategic options to maximize shareholder value. As part of the process,the Board intends to consider a full range of strategic options, which may include a sale of the Company or other possible transactions.

Voiko firma selvitä tästä? Voi, mutta Houdini saa olla. Tesla teki sen 2008, mutta onko Zignsec Tesla? Päivän droppaus oli mielestäni armollinen. Vain samaan kuin 5 vuorokautta sitten.

Itselläni on muutaman tuhannen euron alkuperäinen panos (muutama satanen nyt). En lisää, mutta pidän sen lottona. Olen myös ostanut illalle Eurojackpotin rivin. Katsotaan, josko jompi kumpi kantaa hedelmää. :slightly_smiling_face:

1 tykkäys

Pelkästään yrityskauppojen goodwill alaskirjaukset ovat 50MSEK vuodessa, joten aika mahdotonta saada 98MSEK liikevaihdolla firmaa kannattavaksi. Alaskirjauksilla ei kuitenkana ole mitään tekemistä todellisuuden kanssa, koska alaskirjaukset on pakko tehdä siitä huolimatta, että ostettujen liiketoimien arvo olisi pysynyt ennallaan. Kaikki tiedot löytyvät kyllä raportista.

Sivulla 39 on ehdottomasti kirsikka, mutta olisi mielestäni tyhmää olla merkitsemättä osakkeita annissa kun edessä on muuten 63% diluutio. Itse asiassa, jos tappiosi ovat noin isot niin kannattaisi varmaan toissijaisessa merkinnässä yrittää napata mahdollisimman paljon osakkeita 0.25 SEK (alennus)hintaan. Uskon, että moni ajattelee kuin sinä, eikä käytä merkintäoikeuksiaan.

1 tykkäys

Ei liikearvoa poisteta, vaan sille suoritetaan vuosittain arvonalentumistestaus, joten jos joku ostettu business menisi hyvin, niin ei noita “poistoja”/arvonalentumisia silloin olisi tarpeen kirjata. Usein nuo kirjataan muutenkin liian myöhään ja alkuun arvenalentumistestauksissa on usein käytössä ns. lätkämaila-malli, jossa se ostettu liiketoiminta on ihan just lähdössä lentoon ja tosi kannattavana. Jossain vaiheessa sitten pakko todeta, että ei tästä mitään tule ja kirjataan koko roska alas.

“The annual reports and the consolidated financial statements are prepared in compliance with Årsredovisningslagen (1995:1554) and BFNAR 2012:1 Årsredovisning och koncernredovisning (K3).”

Sinä viittaat nyt IFRS käytäntöihin? ZignSec noudattaa eri kirjanpitokäytäntöjä. Goodwill poistetaan 5 vuodessa tasapoistoilla.

1 tykkäys

Kappas, oletin että soveltaisivat IFRS:ää, mutta perutaanpas sitten äskeinen. Saisi omasta mielestä IFRS:äänkin tulla säännös, jonka mukaan liikearvo pitäisi poistaa esimerkiksi enintään 10 vuodessa.

1 tykkäys

Julkaistu 8.5.2024

ZignSec has signed an agreement with hi, a rapidly growing cryptocurrency broker established in 2020. The agreement enables hi.com to benefit from ZignSec’s KYC and AML solutions to optimise and improve their customer onboarding experience. The solutions will be deployed globally and serve over 3.5 million users.

As part of this collaboration, ZignSec will be hi’s exclusive platform for KYC and AML for their onboarding and will expand to include monitoring solutions in the near future.

“We are happy to partner with hi, one of the up-and-coming players in the cryptocurrency space. This collaboration not only demonstrates the trust and value our KYC and AML solutions offers to global markets, but also strengthens our commitment to enhancing security and compliance in the dynamic regulatory environment.” – Glenn Mac Donald, CEO, ZignSec

“By partnering with ZignSec, we are streamlining the onboarding without compromising compliance or security. Through extensive testing, we’ve found that ZignSec’s solutions not only enhance our KYC process but also match our goals of combating fraud and delivering an enhanced onboarding process, aligning with our global market needs.” – Chief Operating Officer, hi

Hi.com tuntuu olevan ihan vakavasti otettava asiakkuus. 120 työntekijää ja yli USD 30m rahoitusta. Yksi perustajista näköjään BasisID:n entinen työntekijä.

Vaikea sanoa, onko tuo hyvä vai huono asia pitkällä tähtäimellä. Näistä Kryptopuljuista on monella krapula ja Sam poikakin sai 25 v tuomion FTX veivauksesta. Näiden kanssa täytyy pitää varansa, tai voi polttaa näppinsä, maineensa ja säästönsä. Toivottavasti Zignsecin diili ei sisällä Tecnotreen kaltaisia 200+ päivän maksuaikoja… :man_shrugging:

Kutsu yhtiökokoukseen (15.5.2024)

In this interview, Glenn Mac Donald discusses his background and the innovative KYC and KYB solutions offered by ZignSec in the RegTech sector. He explains how ZignSec generates revenue, the purpose of the recent rights issue, and the company’s strategies for staying competitive with new technologies. Glenn also highlights ZignSec’s KYB solutions for payment processors and outlines future geographical expansion plans.

This is a video production by Impala Nordic in collaboration with ZignSec AB. Video editor: Isabella Wulff.

Q1 Webcast.

Yhtiö uskoo saavuttavansa positiivisen kassavirran vuoden loppuun mennessä. Tämä tietenkin kuultu aikaisemminkin, mutta tällä kertaa vaikuttaa uskottavalta ennustukselta.

The Board of Directors of ZignSec AB (publ) (“ZignSec” or the ”Company”) today, on 16 May 2024, publishes an EU Growth Prospectus (the “Prospectus) in connection with the rights issue of shares announced on 29 April 2024 (the “Rights Issue”). The Prospectus has today been approved and registered by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.

The motive for the Rights Issue is to strengthen ZignSec’s market presence and position the Company for continued growth, particularly in Europe, Latin America, and the Asia-Pacific region. To support this process, the company intends to significantly upgrade its technical capacity by enhancing core products and technical platform, investing in its global sales team, increasing its digital marketing efforts, and undertaking further investment in technology and development to enhance and renew the company’s core products and technical platform. Furthermore, the strengthened financial position is expected to have a positive impact on the current strategic review being conducted by the Company. Upon full subscription in the Rights Issue, the Company will receive proceeds of approximately SEK 33.5 million before issue costs.

For complete information about the Rights Issue, please refer to the published Prospectus.

The prospectus has been prepared in connection with the Rights Issue and has today, 16 May 2024, been approved and registered by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. The Prospectus, containing complete terms and conditions, is available on the Company’s and Aqurat Fondkommission AB’s respective websites (www.zignsec.com and www.aqurat.se). The prospectus will also be available on the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority’s website (www.fi.se). Information about subscription in the Rights Issue will be made available on the Company’s and Aqurat´s website in connection with the start of the subscription period on 17 May 2024.

Preliminary schedule for the Rights Issue

  • 20 - 28 May 2024 – Trading in subscription rights
  • 17 - 31 May 2024 – Subscription period for the Rights Issue
  • 20 May 2024 – 24 June 2024 – Trade in paid-up subscribed shares (BTA)
  • June 5, 2024 – Estimated date for publication of the outcome

Toimitusjohtajan haastattelu

1 tykkäys