Seeing Machines (SEE)

Voi ei! Ei kai tämä vaikuta näiden mallien myyntiin! Eli esim. Fordin julkaisua linjalta ulos ja Seeingin lisenssituloja.

Long time CTO siirtynyt advisor rooliin. Korvaaja taitaa vielä olla haussa? Jos talon sisältä ei löydy, headhunterilla saattaa olla haastava tehtävä, CTO-tason eye tracking talentteja tuskin on hirveän monta olemassa globaalisti. Toisaalta Austraalian aurinko saattaa houkutella maahanmuuttajia :sun_with_face:

1 tykkäys

Nätisti tuo jäbä kirjoitti linkedinissä roolin vaihdosta, eli tuskinpa mitään draamaa, 20 vuotta on pitkä aika. Varmaan jeesailee taustalla tiiviisti kunnes uusi ukko löydetty ja perehdytetty.

Yhtiöltä tuli 2021 vuoden tulos, positiivisia signaaleja dms-markkinoille etenkin tuo RFQ-prosessien eteneminen. Liikevaihto konsensukseen, kassavarat reilu 20% yli.

Paul McGlone, CEO of Seeing Machines commented:

"Our progress over the past financial year has been really pleasing, and the signs are there for increased opportunity as FY2022 gets underway. The Automotive RFQs from Europe, North America and Japan currently represent total revenue potential of over A$900m, signalling a step change in the value of our automotive pipeline. In addition, we have increased the number of relationships with key Tier 1 customers to 16, enabling us to bid each opportunity with several parties.

"This significant increase in RFQs is extremely encouraging and we do expect this number to increase at a similar rate over FY2022. This affirms our view that DMS is now established as central to the automotive industry and we look forward to closing out the current RFQs and announcing new business wins in due course.

"The Aftermarket business is also strengthening as safety monopolises agendas across the world, and this division is now profitable as a standalone business. While our Guardian installation rate has slowed during FY2021, given the COVID backdrop, hardware sales continued to increase as commercial fleets consider this technology a key advantage in terms of safety, but also to ensure efficiencies against the current evolving regulatory environment for commercial driving. The Aftermarket sales pipeline has increased steadily thoughout the year and remains strong for FY2022.

“In summary I can safely say we have never been busier, nor been faced with such a raft of opportunities for significant growth.”

11 tykkäystä

Very positive…

“and we look forward to closing out the current RFQs and announcing new business wins in due course.”

6 tykkäystä

SEK 5.7bn.

And the same going into 2022.

V nice to hear from both sources (SEE & SEYE) that a lot of things happening in the industry.

15 tykkäystä
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No nyt tuli todella bullish-haastattelu Seeingin toimarilta.

“Alku sille jota kaikki ovat odottaneet.”

“Historiallisellakin win-ratella tulemme 2-3 kertaistamaan automotivebusineksemme pöydällä olevilla RFQlla.”

“1-2 suurta dms toimijaa” (mitkäköhän?)

6 tykkäystä

Erittäin kova haastis

Muutamia huomioita:

  • 6 kuukauden sisällä SEE:llä mahdollisuus voittaa 42% (historiallinen win rate niistä kilpailutuksista, joissa ovat mukana) miljardin dollarin RFQ:sta, 90% margin ratella
  • ensi vuonna seuraava miljardi tarjolla RFQ:issa, see:n pitää miettiä haluavatko bidata kaikkia
  • Nykyisistä RFQ:ista päätöksiä seuraavan kolmen kvarttaalin aikana
  • ”markets wont allow 3 or 4 major players in dms market”, käytännössä yhden - tai kahden - markkinat. Tobii osti 4 henkilön pajan, ei ole huolissaan.
  • omaa spekulaatiota: tulkitsen haastiksen niin, että käytännössä vuoden kahden sisällä tulisi ostoyrityksiä…

Se mikä tuli itsellä mieleen haastiksesta on se, että toden totta pipelinen puolesta see on saanut 30 desing winnillä saman pipelinen mitä seye 80 desing winnillä. Bidaavat kai isompia diilejä.

Edit. Viimeisen minsan aikana mielenkiintoista pohdintaa. Ilmeisesti seeing bidaa tällähetkellä vaan puoleen saatavilla olevista rfq:ista eli se a900$ josta puhuttiin tulosjulkistuksessa

Edit2. Olihan se smartin pipeline melkeen tuplat seeingiin verrattuna

11 tykkäystä

Tarkennuksena: vuodesta 2020 alkaen smart on odottanut RfQ määräksi 1mrd$ vuoden 2022 loppuun mennessä eli puhutaan täsmälleen samasta määrästä ja samasta ajanjaksosta kuin mitä Seeing kommentoi itse

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Totta, RFQ pipeline on sama. Edit2:lla tarkoitin dms-revenue pipelinä, eli tämä logiikka ei pelaa, jota tässä ajattelin:

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Hyvä haastattelu toimarilta.

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7 tykkäystä

I don’t know about you, but that looks like an awful lot of effort to be an idiot.

On Twitter,@mrlevine confirmed that Ford’s Blue Cruise uses eye tracking to ensure the driver is alert. Looks like GM devised not to pay for the extras in that version of the Escalade

1 tykkäys

What “extras” do you mean? Any sources??

Hi Kesa, the source is the Car & Driver tests where they test with a dummy wearing ‘joke shop glasses with eyes on’ (I have paraphrased) and even a hand holding the glasses were enough to fool the Cadillac Escalade(didn’t check which year of vehicle, may be fixed in Model year 2022)

But Mike Levine (Ford Marketing) confirmed that they use eye gaze vector tracking (… to verify it is a human, who is paying attention) see this thread

When I say extras, it is like buying air conditioning for your car:

  • hair shirt/Finnish version with no A/C just fans
  • manual A/C
  • Climate control - set target temperature
  • 2 zone climate control
  • 3 zone climate control
  • Climate Control that starts to cool the car when you unlock the car (not wait in the oven until car is started
    -remote control - you can start A/C from your phone before you go to the car

Each feature costs more (and profit grows faster) but very hard to go back to a lower level once you have tried it.

Seeing Machines will keep developing new extra features that you could add (even to existing vehicles via OTA)

For example,
-Basic DMS
-Gaze location (Window, cluster, left/right/rear mirror other locations (customisable for each model of car)
-Eye gaze vector
-Head position (for HUD)
-Phone to ear/food/phone in hand/seatbelt position /out of seat/smoking
-Mask usage
-OMS front row
-OMS 2 rows
-OMS 3rd row
-Identification (single camera IR)
Identification Anti spoof (2 camera 3d IR)
-Check for normal (eye gaze normal variability, body position, seat belt in correct position)
-Coaching - remind to check mirrors before indicate, not checked speed for a whole, not checked rear mirror
-Anti nag - disable line crossing warning if driver checked 2 mirrors before moving and no nearby traffic

Those are features off the top of my head SEE may, or may not charge for those. Some may be developed by T1 based on basic data from DMS but the OEM will pay more per vehicle or in up front NRE costs

3 tykkäystä

Ok, I had similar understanding already in the first place but was puzzled because this is what Seeing Machines announced in February…

"Seeing Machines - - is pleased to announce that its Driver Monitoring System (DMS) Software, a key enabler to the General Motors Super Cruise1 driver assistance feature, is now available in the 2021 Cadillac Escalade.

Seeing Machines’ advanced driver monitoring software reliably measures the driver’s head-pose, eyelid closure and precise eye-gaze direction under the full spectrum of demanding automotive incabin lighting conditions and driver appearances, including operating with glasses. High-performance driver monitoring is vital in supporting hands-free driving capabilities, where the DMS continuously monitors the driver’s visual attention and delivers this information to the vehicle."

And now you are saying that Escalade does not include these features? Or one can get them only if they pay extra money? I’m still confused.

Further, we (I count Colin as one of us :rofl:) think that GM has rewarded also Smart with some design wins (last year). So my bold synthesis with these pieces of a puzzle (could be wrong, let me know your thoughts) is that there is something fishy between GM and Seeing Machines.

7 tykkäystä

Kesa, it is probably that the system can do eye gaze and there may be cases where the T1 software looks to see where the gaze is directed (like the Merc adjusting side mirrors) but perhaps when the hands free mode is on, it is not checking to see where the gaze is looking, or rather, there may be enough wobble in the glasses on the dummy, or in the hand holding them to make it think the gaze is changing. Perhaps what is missing is “a please blink or I will stop the car” message. :laughing:

I think that some GM has gone to Smart Eye, but probably for their Chinese JV suppliers for the domestic market only

3 tykkäystä

The way I read the SM announcement is that their dms software specifically enables hands free driving. If not true, the announcement is very misleading, don’t you agree?

Anyway, very odd if GM has decided not to choose for all the extras. I cannot imagine a good reason for this, which would not hint for some kind of issues betweeen GM and JSS and/or SM.

What makes you think it’s for their chinese JV suppliers? Different T1?

1 tykkäys

Mielellään kuuntelen eriäviä mielipiteitä, kunhan kertoja pystyy ne perustelemaan.

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