Voxtur Analytics VXTR (entinen I Look About) TSXV - kiinteistödatan disruptio?

Fannie Mae julkaisi eilen taas uuden raportin asumisen kustannuksista. Closing costs (joka sisältää appraisal ja title insurance -kustannukset) ei mitenkään erityisesti noussut tuossa esille, mutta hyvä että tätä kustannusten alentamisen teemaa pidetään tuolla selvästi esillä.

Uutinen: What are the biggest costs of homeownership? (Hint: It’s not what you might think) | Fannie Mae
Working paper: https://www.fanniemae.com/media/43026/display

18 tykkäystä

Ulosotot kasvaneet odotetusti.


25 tykkäystä

Uusi video On borrowed time -kanavalta. Hän oli tuplannut Voxtur-omistuksensa ja käy videolla läpi perusteita. Tiivistettynä: hän odottaa yli 250 miljoonan liikevaihtoa ja positiivista vapaata kassavirtaa tälle vuodelle sekä Nasdaq-listautumista.

36 tykkäystä

Lisäksi hän odottaa että Q4 tulos tulisi pihalle viikon tai kahden päästä :+1:

22 tykkäystä

Ilmeisesti uusi integraatio SoftPro:n järjestelmiin.

32 tykkäystä

Hello everyone, I didn’t find a forum in English that was discussing Voxtur as much as this one, so I’m going to post this here.

I was looking at the company “voxtur technologies” which ILookAbout required, and I found something rather odd. There is still a website that exists by voxtur technologies and the business has nothing to do with the real estate business. They are based in India, the website is written in bad English and they offer IT services such as website development, graphic design, digital marketing et cetera. It’s just called:

I was trying to fact check Mariusz comment in one of his videos that voxtur technologies made 100 million in revenue and 20 million ebitda from its foreclosure business before getting acquired. He replied to me in a comment on Youtube, saying that he got that data from Jim Albertelli himself, so I guess it’s not possible to fact check his statement…

What do you make of the website? And do you know where I can find information on voxtur pre acquisition? I’d like to know how much the foreclosure business is really worth.

7 tykkäystä

As far as I understand this Voxtur has nothing to do with Voxtur analytics… It is from Delhi.

9 tykkäystä

Welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

I believe Voxtur Technogies was formed as a holding company for Jim’s companies and other assets for carrying out the acquisition by iLookabout - that is why you will not find anything relevant with that name from before 2021.

The entities that generated the 100 million revenue from foreclosure-related businesses would have been InfoEx, Oversite Data Services, Brightline Title, ALAW etc. But since they are all private companies, I don’t think there are any financial reports publicly available :man_shrugging:

12 tykkäystä

I guess/hope it is. I was just very unsure because the following website showed that the voxtur technologies I found the webiste of was acquired by Ilookabout

I guess pitchbook has false data then.

6 tykkäystä

Thank you for the warm welcome and the information. :slight_smile: Okay, then we’ll have to take mariusz word for it. It’s just that he seems so biased towards voxture. That’s why I wanted to fact check some of what he says.

14 tykkäystä

Jim has also mentioned this 100 million revenue figure in several interviews. It would of course be better to get it from an official filing, but personally I’m not worried about this one.

Then again, I no longer know how unbiased I am myself :grin:

29 tykkäystä

Community Settlement Services on perustanut viime kuussa toimipaikat Texasiin ja Arizonaan, nimellä COMMUNITY TITLE & SETTLEMENT AGENCY, LLC.

Arizona: https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_az/23334424
Texas: https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_tx/0804452123

Sattumalta Texas ja Arizona ovat osavaltioita, joissa title insurance -kustannukset ovat korkeimmasta päästä. Eli tämä liittynee AOL:n tarjoamiseen.

Kuvan lähde: https://www.tlta.com/documents/TPPF_PolicymakerGuide.pdf

Ei jää ainakaan tytäryhtiöiden ja toimipaikkojen liian vähäisestä määrästä menestys kiinni :smirk:

43 tykkäystä

I sometimes read in comments that voxtur is “recession-proof”. Also, Jim Albertelli said that in difficult times, people will try hard to save money, so voxtur will actually benefit in such circumstances. A business model like voxtur’s makes processes more efficient and helps customers save money.

What do you think about that? Sure, customers trying to save money will be to voxtur’s advantage. However, with the interest rate hike(s), there will inevitably be less business in the real estate market. Less houses will be bought, less mortgages will be acquired. This in turn will mean less appraisals as well as less title insurance, hindering voxtur’s growth. I suppose the tax assessment part won’t be affected as much, since it doesn’t really depend on new mortgages being acquired.

5 tykkäystä

You are overlooking the growing repossession rate - more foreclosures. This business was 100 million revenue when the quantity of actions was lower than present time.

14 tykkäystä

I think with recession proof their are thinking of increasing foreclosures which is good for Voxtur. Also I don’t think a few blips of interest rate is what stopping the housing markets. Housing starts is on a steep upward trend and there is not enough inventory now. Houses going above asking price. There seems to be a strong demand for housing. I think this is good for Voxtur.

9 tykkäystä

True, I forgot to mention the foreclosures. However, I am doubtful whether that business line alone can compensate for the other business line’s potentially stagnating growth in a worst case scenario.

@Cloner: I just read an analysis regarding an imminent decline in housing prices due to a coming recession and a current housing bubble. It was written by a very bearish analyst, so I hope you are right.

5 tykkäystä

According to this article, the housing market is still hot More homes selling for six figures over asking price | News | The Title Report

6 tykkäystä

I understand. I have heard the opposite. Inventory (which is most important) is very low, so the housing starts are on a rise now.

This is btw inflationary since loans are created for the new housing starts.

I am no Expert just spitting put what I heard from someone i respect

And as I am understand it. It can’t be a bubble when the supply of homes are way lower that the current demand

8 tykkäystä

Tämä voi olla kova setti.

22 tykkäystä

Mielenkiintoinen tulee olemaan tuo Q4 tulos.
Jim valotti tuossa viimeisessä Midaksen haastattelussa, että Anow liikevaihto olisi jo 0.7m kuukaudessa. Eli Q4 voisi olla Anow:n osalta n. 2.1m

20 tykkäystä