Mobileyen pitkän aikavälin tarina on täysin ennallaan ja tärkein lause mitä etsin eilisestä tulosjulkistuksesta, oli kuinka paljon tilauksia tänä vuonna voitetaan (boldattuna). Viime vuonna tuota “tulevaisuuden liikevaihtoa” kertyi tilauskirjoihin 7,4 miljardia. Tänä vuonna ohjeistetaan mentävän sen yli.
Vertailun vuoksi tämän vuoden liikevaihto on noin 1,65 miljardia. Siitä saa kuvaa yhtiön kasvupotentiaalista.
Aika mielenkiintoinen markkinareaktio, kun ohjeistettiin vähän heikompaa tulosta tälle vuodelle. Mobileyen todellinen sijoituscase alkaa vasta vuodesta 2026. Jos se ei ole realisoitunut vuoteen 2028 mennessä, voi heittää hanskat tiskiin. Mutta tällä hetkellä case on täysin ennallaan.
On the business development front, our activities remain robust and we are tracking towards similar projected future volume and higher projected future revenue from design wins as compared to 2023, based on year-to-date program wins and the current customer engagements we are pursuing. SuperVision / Chauffeur development programs have progressed and we believe we remain on-track for significant wins in the second half of 2024
Earnings callista tärkein osuus:
Amnon Shashua
Co-Founder, CEO, President & Director
As a final topic, I’ll highlight some important details of how the EyeQ6 platform represents a leap forward towards these goals and helps position us as the only company in the world that can support all 4 consumer vehicles categories and Robotaxis as well. As the global OEMs are emerging from a major replanning process, combustion engines versus EV, China versus non-China, buy versus build for autonomy, we are seeing increased clarity on future ADAS and AV segmentation around 4 distinct categories. Number one, emerging market ADAS as the future growth driver for the 25 million or so vehicles sold today that don’t have any ADAS. These systems will require lower price for less functionality, yet with high performance, which is where we excel. Number two, developed market ADAS. Recent guidance on future regulations continue to push the envelope on performance, which is a significant positive for us. It’s a key factor in the success of EyeQ6 Lite, which has already been nominated for 50 million units of future business, is involved in many current RFQs and is in – and is progressing towards design wins across all major customers. Number three, mid-trim surround ADAS. This is a brand new growth driver that fits in between regular ADAS and SuperVision for mass market segments.
The OEMs have 2 goals here. First, enable price competitive hands-off on highway function as the next standard. Second, to prepare for the increased safety requirements that will not be satisfied with the traditional front-facing camera alone. Number four is premium full-surround ADAS/AV, SuperVision and Chauffeur category, where OEMs continue to pursue aspirational technology to deliver hands-free driving all road types and maintain a path to eyes off where OEM see huge value for consumers. We view the emergence of category 3 as an extremely important as a driver of significant medium-term ASP growth within the mass market segments. And the RFQ volumes are very high. We are currently already responding to 4 RFQs representing over 19 million future units supported with a single EyeQ6 High with pricing that is approximately 4 times our current ASP and with similar gross margins to the company average. To put this value into context, the life revenue value of these RFQs from just 4 OEMs is already about double the value of all the combined ADAS RFQs we’re currently pursuing with more than 70 OEMs. On SuperVision and Chauffeur specifically, we have made substantial progress across many predevelopment engagements and we believe we are on track for major design wins by year-end 2024, with a strong pipeline of more to come in 2025.
We currently have advanced product wins or are in advanced discussions with 14 OEMs, representing approximately 52% of industry production. Within that number, 2 of the OEMs are currently only pursuing surround ADAS category, I mentioned above, and 2 are pursuing both SuperVision and Chauffeur and surround ADAS. We’re also seeing accelerated interest in our drive platform, which serves the mobility as a service market. The Volkswagen commercial vehicle program is progressing nicely. Zeekr is looking to develop with us in this area. And there is an additional major OEM from Japan, where we continue to progress through pre-award testing activities. We believe that we are in the inflection point of becoming the clear market leader in these initiatives, both technologically and commercially. And we want to use this opportunity to shed some more light in our recent progress, especially one of our most groundbreaking initiatives, Mobileye [ Brain6 ]. Brain6 has been at the heart of our EyeQ6 product line since we began that development several years ago and it represents a significant leap forward in autonomous driving technology. This compound AI backbone is not just an incremental improvement, it’s a transformative development designed to address the complexities and the demands of autonomy at scale. Let’s dive into what makes Brain6 truly exceptional. First is performance.
Brain6 is powered by sophisticated combination of state-of-the-art generative AI networks. These networks, each with a specialized focus, work in concert to tackle the inherent challenges of autonomous driving, such as the long tail [Technical Difficulty] and input bias generalization error trade-off. By leveraging this multifaceted approach, Brain6 ensures the level of performance and robustness that is unparalleled. During Q2, we began online testing of the EyeQ6 platform at scale as well as data-driven offline simulations. We now have a line of sight to a vision-only system, which we believe will be at least 2 orders of magnitude better than anything else available in the market today, deployed in all markets. Moreover, EyeQ6 products are designed for flywheel product improvement by continuously aggregating feedback from the fleet and improving the product. Cost efficiency. We understand that the path to widespread adoption of autonomous driving technology hinges on cost effectiveness. [Technical Difficulty] has been meticulously designed to operate efficiently with a cost effective inference computer. This synergy between Brain6 and our EyeQ6 platform not only drives down cost, but also maximizes value for our partners and customers. Brain6 enables our customers to offer eyes-off products at 50% of the MSRP, compared to Tesla FSD 12 and hands-off at 25% of the MSRP.
Vertaus Teslan uusimpaan FSD 12.5 Q&A osiossa:
If you look at the meantime between critical events that we have testing in the U.S., it’s about 5x better than the latest version 12.5 that I see in the small amount of data that has been released so far. So it’s not that we are trailing behind and we need to catch up. And we have – with the EyeQ6, with the Brain6, where we have lots of generative AI components, all our testing, online and offline testing so far, show that we’ll get 2 orders of magnitude improvement. So we’re talking about just the camera built system, more than 1,000 hours of meantime between critical events.